Wyoming elk vs colorado elk


Jun 11, 2023
I've been having a hard time trying to decide where to hunt this year out of state for elk.
I've never shot a bull, I ve spent most of my life hunting the spike units in utah. Seen many many huge bulls so I know what a big bull looks like. I've killed more cows and spikes with a rifle and bow than I can remember sometimes two a year if I draw a limited cow tag we've been mainly eating elk meat for the last 6 years, we love elk meat. Iam not a fan of the any bull units in utah even though I'm a resident so that's not a option for me. Been trying to decide putting in for southern wyoming general elk with 6 points or northern colorado 1st rifle elk with 3 points. I've hunted this area in colorado before and shot a cow wich I regretted, running into a nice 5x5 shortly after. Never hunted wyoming but feel like I'm in no man's land right now sitting at 6 points. I could put in for both and hunt the state border, but have a feeling if I shoot one I might just give up on the other lol. I ll be doing this hunt solo, which iam accustomed too.
If you're not fussy on the size of bull, I think both areas you listed are about equal. You'll have lots of other hunters in either area.
Really good points thanks for the responses. There were a ton of hunters when I hunted colorado but after opening day i barely saw anyone. Figured the same for the unit I want to hunt in wyoming. As for the size of bull idk. I've never shot a bull but have shot alot of elk. Hunting the spike units I get way more excited seeing a spike than a bull and I understand it's the opposite for most other people. I tend to get sick of seeing nothing but bulls. It's very wierd lol. And I can hunt wyoming more if I draw, archery and rifle. But know the colorado unit a little bit tagged out opening day.
You will only have five days in Colorado and probably more other hunters to compete with.

I would go Wyoming general and start rebuilding your points for another tag. The point creep for their limited units is out of control and your odds in the random draw don't change whether you have 0 or 10+ points.
Answer is pretty clear to me. Seems that you will be hunting both eventually, so for the upcoming year pick the one that uses your points most efficiently so that you can start rebuilding for the next hunt more quickly.
This is exactly what I was gonna say. With points in both it's just a matter of the order. 6 in Wyoming gets the general now (in theory) then do CO next year. Definitely do not do both in the same year and reset them both to zero.
If you archery hunt, I’d pick Wyoming.
Buy the add-on archery stamp and you have a whole bunch of time to hunt.
Point creep in Wyoming is out of control, I’d hunt there this year. Those low point units in Colorado will always be there I feel like.

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6 points on a general tag is a hard decision. But the odds of drawing a good control in the next few years are slim I know. I do archery hunt and probaly wont be to picky on a bull seeing how I never shot one before cause man iam getting a little sick of shooting cows and spikes. Anybody have any experience with southern Wyoming general elk?
Burn the Wyoming points. In 3 years they will be worth the same as today. You have a long season. Just my thoughts... Wyo point creep..
I’m partial to wyoming. The point system there is garbage… If you have the chance to hunt it now I’d go for it. Never know when they’re going to change the resident/non-resident tag quota
If I were you I'd do the research and go Wyo General with 6 NR points. The way point creep is going these days it may not be worth building double digit preference points for a future premium tag. Instead I'd get into a 4-5 year cycle were you can hunt the Cowboy state. If you purchase the archery stamp you can have some decent bowhunting for bulls in September. If you don’t tag out then you can come back in October with the rifle.
100% do Wyo. Point creep in Wyo is the real deal and Wyo F&G will continue to limit NR opportunity regardless of the power of the Outfitter Assoc. DIY pressure in some Region W non-wild/non-guide reqd is going to make this happen. I have 17 NR pts in Wyo because I drew the first year of points in 2007 which is no man's land for Park cty hunts. Wish applied for a Gen tag every year, and would have 4 solid hunts under my belt instead if zero. To hell with point building I say, and esp if you are 35-50 yrs old.

3 pts in Colo can buy you several decent 270-300 units. And, Colo just got done reducing NR tags, but it took a lot of commission consternation to do the small reduction they approved. Colo needs NR elk tag revenue too much. Colo NR opportunity is not going anywhere...at least not until our elk get chomped by some 150 lb northern BC werewolves!
Draw both and plan to bowhunt WY tag and rifle season Colo tag. No season overlap. If you want kill bulls? why would you Not show up even if kill one bull in WY before the Colo hunt starts?
I've never shot a bull, I ve spent most of my life hunting the spike units in utah. I could put in for both and hunt the state border, but have a feeling if I shoot one I might just give up on the other lol. I ll be doing this hunt solo, which iam accustomed too.
I had the idea of bowhunting wyoming, if unsuccessful rifle hunt along the border in colorado until wyoming opens then hop over there. Colorado rifle starts before wyoming. I know once I'm done packing meat and get cleaned up I'm usually ready to go home. If I kill one during archery in wyoming I'm going to wish I had the colorado tag for sure.
Screenshot of the approved five-year structure for Colorado.

I think Wyoming always opens the 15th.

I could be mistaken, just a quick look.

Good luck with your decision, it's always a tough call between being overextended and maximizing your opportunities.


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