- Joined
- Jun 11, 2023
I've been having a hard time trying to decide where to hunt this year out of state for elk.
I've never shot a bull, I ve spent most of my life hunting the spike units in utah. Seen many many huge bulls so I know what a big bull looks like. I've killed more cows and spikes with a rifle and bow than I can remember sometimes two a year if I draw a limited cow tag we've been mainly eating elk meat for the last 6 years, we love elk meat. Iam not a fan of the any bull units in utah even though I'm a resident so that's not a option for me. Been trying to decide putting in for southern wyoming general elk with 6 points or northern colorado 1st rifle elk with 3 points. I've hunted this area in colorado before and shot a cow wich I regretted, running into a nice 5x5 shortly after. Never hunted wyoming but feel like I'm in no man's land right now sitting at 6 points. I could put in for both and hunt the state border, but have a feeling if I shoot one I might just give up on the other lol. I ll be doing this hunt solo, which iam accustomed too.
I've never shot a bull, I ve spent most of my life hunting the spike units in utah. Seen many many huge bulls so I know what a big bull looks like. I've killed more cows and spikes with a rifle and bow than I can remember sometimes two a year if I draw a limited cow tag we've been mainly eating elk meat for the last 6 years, we love elk meat. Iam not a fan of the any bull units in utah even though I'm a resident so that's not a option for me. Been trying to decide putting in for southern wyoming general elk with 6 points or northern colorado 1st rifle elk with 3 points. I've hunted this area in colorado before and shot a cow wich I regretted, running into a nice 5x5 shortly after. Never hunted wyoming but feel like I'm in no man's land right now sitting at 6 points. I could put in for both and hunt the state border, but have a feeling if I shoot one I might just give up on the other lol. I ll be doing this hunt solo, which iam accustomed too.