Wyo Region G cyber scouting....

Jul 11, 2017
Howdy folks! It's like my second post here but been lurking for a while and soaking in all the info on backpack hunting and gear. I am currently looking over maps and potential areas for my first back country backpack hunt next fall in Wyoming. My self and a good friend are sitting on 8 points and we have the gear so figure we might as well use them and get out of the points game. Anywho....I am a complete noob at mule deer, never hunted out west, but have 70+ whitetails to my credit in WV and OH so I am pretty versed in cyber scouting for them. I am however a little lost on cyber scouting mulies in high country. I have located an area that I think looks good, but I would love some tips on what little details to look for to help narrow my search down. I'm not looking for GPS waypoints of your favorite area, just some general tips on cover type/food to look for and maybe tips from staying out of the most pressured areas. We are in good physical shape and still have a full year of planning but the earlier I get a jump on this trip the better off I should be. Hopefully. :p Thanks!!


Jun 22, 2015
pm me I have hunted G twice in the past three years I should be able to answer a few questions for ya


Apr 2, 2013
IMO, cyber scouting is really good for checking out access, glassing points, etc. It's best to try to identify several spots that you can get into and glass from. Much of the high country mule deer country looks very similar, but you might check 5 different drainages and only find bucks in 1 or 2.

Distance, lack of roads/trails, steep elevation will all help separate you from hunting pressure.