Went to G&F meeting last week!! No changes in quotas there so I'd say the antelope must be doing ok. Cuts in quotas further west were winter was a little worse !! Big piney areas etc..
Good question. I'm sitting on 5 pts and was planning on putting in this year. I have hunted a unit twice already. UT I'm not sure now with such a hard winter if I should wait. Try for a harder unit and go with plan B if I don't draw. I guess I should make a phone call to the biologist.
Should be good. Winter is easing up finally. Great antelope hunting out there and in central part of state. Will be some big bucks taken this year, hope you draw.
Depends upon the region you are talking about. As mentioned above, farther west there was likely some winterkill. The snow depths weren't too bad in isolated spots elsewhere. Should be some whopper bucks harvested this year in localized areas that have had good fawn crops and moisture the past 3+ years.