Wy results

AZ Vince

Jul 10, 2012
Well folks, I'm back from WY.

I ended up using the 87 Grain Hornady SP bullet with IMR 4350 as that was the only load I could get to remain consistant. It routinely shot 0.5" at 100 Yards off the bench and a little worse off my pack. In calm winds I felt confident out to 500 Yards.

Wyoming winds were anything but calm however. The week I was there we had "Extreme Weather Warnings" due to wind. Through it all I managed to fill all five tags with the furthest shot being at 300 Yards.

The 87 Grain pill seems to be a bit underrated in my opinion. At 200 Yards I witnessed it break a spine, deflect and exit, enter a back leg, break the leg, and exit again. Not too shabby I'd say. The closest shot I had was at 160 Yards offhand, and that brought down two antelope with three shots.

It took me a few shots to figure out the winds but once I did everything seemed to gel in to place. I now have seven antelope in my freezer. Five are mine and two belong to my buddy. He donated his meat to me seeing as how he still has meat from last year and a few more hunts this year.
