For sale is:
- Used 26'' Kifaru Tactical Frame, Composite Stays, Medium Belt, Coyote Brown
- Used guide lid, Coyote Brown
- New Kifaru Reckoning, Ranger Green, only tried on and worn around the house when purchased
- New Medium belt pouch, purchased same type as Reckoning, Coyote Brown
Looking to get $650 plus 3% and shipping.
Would like to keep it all together for now.
- Used 26'' Kifaru Tactical Frame, Composite Stays, Medium Belt, Coyote Brown
- Used guide lid, Coyote Brown
- New Kifaru Reckoning, Ranger Green, only tried on and worn around the house when purchased
- New Medium belt pouch, purchased same type as Reckoning, Coyote Brown
Looking to get $650 plus 3% and shipping.
Would like to keep it all together for now.