WTB WTB older xxl fanatic vest on the cheap - groveling inside

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Nov 19, 2017
Hey-yo !
Do you have an old xxl sitka fanatic vest that you just dont use anymore? offer it to me! i may want it.

ill be frank, for mid season, id really like the thinner and greener elevated forest pattern -the “OG” - you know, that old piece in the closet that served you well but u dont use anymore, yep that one!

i was thinking of like $115 depending on condition? Whats that - youre not a charity? Well its not like i said “$95”. Now THAT would be out of line,

Know what - i dunno lets talk and u can send me some pics (only of the vest or your wife). Sounds great!

Mountain Vest? Bought last year. Maybe I wore it once. I just like my old school core 4 vest better.

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Mountain Vest? Bought last year. Maybe I wore it once. I just like my old school core 4 vest better.

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You, sir, are a fine fellow and, due to your kind offer, i declare many fine ungulates shall fall by your hand this year!

But .. unfortunately, Im just fishing for that rare unicorn of an OG Fanatic vest. Speaking of unicorns - those are ungulates too! Someone should have done a better job predicting sustainable bag limits on those back in the day!
oh come on old sitka owners - you know this is just the thread you WANTED to see. you need an excuse to upgrade, so here it is, on a silver platter with one of those tiny forks you dont know when to use placed above it. not to the left, no above it. is that for salad? dessert? are they serving oysters? are oysters on my mind from the other guy’s photos of his wife? i really dont know at this point,
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