WTB/ Needed a Mule Deer Cape

Nov 2, 2020
All over the place
After some awesome luck and fortunate success in Colorado's 2nd rifle season this year I was able to tag out with a nice Muley Buck. I harvested him in the evening and wasn't able to get him off the mountain until the next morning. When I returned to him I was gut checked to discover that an eagle had found him either late in the evening or before I arrived. He tore several holes in his cape. holes that could have been repaired. The main hit that sunk the ship though was that the eagle also completely chewed off one of his ears, thus totally destroying the cape. I am in need of a cape.
I have done a few online searches, figured it wouldn't hurt to reach out on here since "tis the season". If you don't have one I am also open to suggestions or recommendations on where to get a cape. He was a fairly large and old buck, its a pipe dream but I am hoping to get a cape that is close to the original. Here are a few pics of what he looked like before the freedom bird got his free meal. As always any and all help would be apricated and thank you all ahead of time for any input that you may have.
Start by calling the larger taxidermy studios and see what they have. I'd start with ones in Colorado, but Utah, Wyoming, Montana or bigger houses like the Wildlife Gallery, Jonas Brothers, Monarch. There are always a few capes around.

You'll come up with one.

I saved this cape for my taxidermist, I'll shoot him a message to see if he has a home for it yet or not. If he doesn't need it we could probably work something out


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I should have one available this weekend if the one above doesn't work out. Most taxidermists have access to them though. I get a $50 credit from mine when I give them to him. I think he charges customers around $100.
Man wish you had posted this a week ago I tried finding someone to take the cape off my Utah buck

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We'll crap. I wish I'd thought of this. We just sliced up a nice cape today from my son's buck in the live hunt forum. I don't know if it would have worked but it was a good looking cape.

I'll be looking for my own buck the next 5 days and will try to keep you in mind if I kill one with a good cape. By no means any kind of guarantee. I used to own a taxidermy shop so I'm capable of caping him for taxidermy if it works out..