WTB Kimber Montana long action


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Apr 9, 2014
I am looking for a Kimber Montana long action. Caliber is unimportant as long as it is a long action. I am looking for a donor to re-barrel to 338-06
Feel free to call or text for quicker response.....701-507-2703......Thank you
There was a 325 wsm on Spokane Gun Trader

325 wouldn't work because it is short action and has a magnum bolt face.

I haven't seen a Kimber action for sale anywhere on the internet, although I haven't been looking. I think the guns are new enough that they haven't been parted out yet.

You best bet is probably to buy an entire rifle and rebore or rebarrel.
I know that deadwolf is selling a Kimber Montana .300 WM on another forum. I don't know if he's offering it on this forum or not, so I don't know if he would be willing to ship it or not but you may want to look him up.