As advised from Rhamil, I would be willing to buy someone a pair of obsidians in their color choice for exchange for a lightly used or new pair of obsidians in ASAT size M.
Not sure why you are interested in the obsidian pant? I will give you my experience with them incase you are not familiar. I had the Kanab 2.0 and Obsidian and neither pair lasted through 1 elk season for me. FL ended up sending me a pair of guide pants at my request after the Obsidians only lasted me a couple weeks of hunting this Sept. IMO your way better off finding some guide pants if you want to stick with ASAT because in a couple years there wont be any of the ASAT wool pants in existence due there durability issues.
I will admit the Kanab and Obsidians were both super comfortable and breathed very well, I really enjoyed hunting in them the last two seasons but just cant justify the price / durability. I recently had a pair of Sitka Ascent pants wear out on me as well but that was after a few years of hunting not a couple weeks. I do hunt hard but to have any piece of gear wear out that quickly was a huge disappointment.
np- I have worn Kanabs and Obsidians since the day the came out. I have put them through total hell, elk hunts, whitetail season, daily wear, dog training, pheasant hunting, and the worst ruffed grouse hunting. I have put holes in the legs, shredded the front from brush, etc. For me the pant is the perfect pant, versatile, comfortable, and tuff enough.