Would you buy this scope?

I like the SWFA mil reticle. I just wish the crosshairs were alittle thicker/darker. I just don’t like a crosshair that doesn’t cross. So, I’m out one those.

I lightweight, zero stopped SWFA 3-9x42 clone would be good to me.

If it’s offer with more magnification, I’m good with that too. More magnification doesn’t scare me.
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I like the SWFA mil reticle. I just wish the crosshairs were alittle thicker/darker. I just don’t like a crosshair that doesn’t cross. So, I’m out one those.

I lightweight, zero stopped SWFA 3-9x42 clone would be good to me.
Have you tried the floating dot in SHR Mil? It’s awesome.
As described by Ryan, yes, I would buy one.

At $1500, no, probably not. I would have to wait for a sale or used. Under $1000, yea, I would buy one.

Presale at $800, I might buy two.

I want the box with the dot of Maven's reticle, make the rest happen however you want.

I would also jump on a fixed 6x or 8x, at a lower cost.

I would prefer no illumination.

It’s a serious question from Ryan. This is not just a feeler post. No presale or other nonsense.

If a 3-12x40’ish mil/mil scope was offered that was consistently reliable and durable, was tested heavily, had multiple reticles that were truly usable/visible from 3-12x, a good/great eyebox and DOF, low profile zero stop elevation and capped windage; and was under $1,500- would you buy it?
Yes, but can we do no more then 4 mil of wind holds total. It would have to be with in a 200 of it’s pro/vet/FS pricing if it’s competition though

It’s a serious question from Ryan. This is not just a feeler post. No presale or other nonsense.

If a 3-12x40’ish mil/mil scope was offered that was consistently reliable and durable, was tested heavily, had multiple reticles that were truly usable/visible from 3-12x, a good/great eyebox and DOF, low profile zero stop elevation and capped windage; and was under $1,500- would you buy it?
I'm in. Exactly what I have been waiting for.
4-12 or 4-16 preferred.

Dialing capability past 600 preferred.

Looked over most responses on all 10 pages, I may be the minority but after buying a SWFA, Trijicon and Razor (model not tested by Form). I 100% want “good glass”. The glass in the SWFA was so inferior and at 100 yards the heat waves on the bench was horrible causing a shift in group size.

I don’t care what Form says- there are situations and hunts where good clear usable glass is warranted. You need to clearly be able to see what you are trying to hit.

This coming from a guy in CA where heat waves and hot weather are the norm for hunts.

@ $1500 likely wouldn’t buy one, at $1000 it would be a possibility if it has what is mentioned above.
Scope specs:

FFP 3-12x40 to 3-12x44mm

Consistently holds zero through 3-foot drops and 3,000 rounds of constant use.

The reticle is specially designed for 25 to 600 yards, with bold outer posts and correct center aiming references.

Zero Stop

Low profile top turret.

Capped windage.

Large eye box

Good glass


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Tube size?
Very likely. Make the lateral and top have the thick lines, like an SWFA MilQuad or S&B P4FL. Weight is negotiable. Price needs to be nder $1500. Illumination is preferred.

I would prefer a lower magnification range, like 2.5-10x, but I'm probably an outlier their. Honestly, a 2-8 with a 44mm objective would be my dream scope (well, keeping it simple, dream would be a true 1-8). I've shot at things sub 10 feet.... It is probably a me problem.
Another thought, it would be great if it was in the 13-14” range. The short tube on the 2.5-10 NXS means always having to use a rail, and sometimes it’s still tricky.
Very likely. Make the lateral and top have the thick lines, like an SWFA MilQuad or S&B P4FL. Weight is negotiable. Price needs to be nder $1500. Illumination is preferred.

I would prefer a lower magnification range, like 2.5-10x, but I'm probably an outlier their. Honestly, a 2-8 with a 44mm objective would be my dream scope (well, keeping it simple, dream would be a true 1-8). I've shot at things sub 10 feet.... It is probably a me problem.
You are too good at stalking.
I would prefer a lower magnification range, like 2.5-10x, but I'm probably an outlier their. Honestly, a 2-8 with a 44mm objective would be my dream scope (well, keeping it simple, dream would be a true 1-8). I've shot at things sub 10 feet.... It is probably a me problem.
You're using the optic at sub 10 feet?
Honestly if it’s not from a name brand scope I won’t pay more then 1500$ for it.

Have a few lrhs 3-12 and 3-12 lrtsi laying around that need to get the boot first.

But spec sheet at a glance is what we’ve all been after for years.

I’d take a 4-12 over a 3-12 if it made a better view.

Any chance we can get the lenses nav spec glued in? I’d pay an extra 500$ for that
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I'm interested. The specs are great. I've only used SFP scopes, but I'd be fine with FFP as long as it includes a reticle that works well up close at low power, and in poor lighting.