I think scope company's like Maven, Vortex, Nightforce etc, need to embrace the market, but an OEM isn't going to, at least not one like LOW. They have to make a product that will appeal to dozens of different companies and will be in the market for 5-10 years, they aren't going to design/develop a base model that only sells 1000 units a year if they can develop one that will shift 5-10x that much.
Unfortunately the market moved away from MPVOs when LVPOs became popular, so OEMs have shifted towards producing high magnification scopes and LPVOs, the nature of being an OEM means that they aren't going to be trend setters in the market, rather than producer scope base models that meet the market where it already is.
Vortex just released the new Viper HD scopes and didn't include an FFP for the 3-15x44 which would almost fit the OP criteria exactly. But they don't see that there is a market for it, so only did FFP in the 5-25x50 model.
I'd say there is definitely a market there, but perhaps it's just not big enough for Vortex to bother with.
Steiner is another case study, the initial HX6i 2-12 FFP scope only came out in MOA and with a BDC reticle, as their sales show that this was going to have the highest market appeal.
Seems like (with a lot of convincing) they are now doing a MIL model, but instead of doing a THLR style reticle they've gone for a crazy Christmas tree, which again suggests that they think the main market is somewhere other than Rokslide slide members.