worthless ads rant

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May 15, 2018
Meridian, Idaho
So I just saw an ad from rokslide about half price kowa spotters. So I thought, "Cool I'll check that out because I'm about due for a mule deer draw in Oregon next year so I might like to upgrade my spotter". Well the first click sent me to a picture of the back of some dudes head in a super cub so I scolled down and saw the kowa link again. I thought "well that's kinda stupid" but I clicked on that one too. Guess what? I got a link to a tent. No kowa of any sort in sight.

And now I'm here complaining. I know, boohoo do your own research and I guess I will but good grief can we get real link to what the title advertised?

This reminds me of peax a couple years back. I had just broken my favorite black diamond headlamp when they introduced their fancy new headlamp with much acclaim from influencers with discount codes. I thought that might be a great upgrade. Well after many emails telling me to go buy my new peax headlamp it was never in stock. This was over several months. I get an email so I click away and ... nothing. So I bought another black diamond and have lost all interest in anything peax. I don't know, am I just being a crybaby or is this just the way it is now?
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Thank you but I think that's part of my point. If the ad says kowas are on sale why don't I get kowas when I click? The grocery store tells me that bananas are on sale when I go to the grocery store sure enough there are bananas on sale. I don't have to search around and ask someone where the bananas are.

If they want to sell a tent or something related to someone in a super cub then send me an email about that. If they, whoever they are, wants to sell me a kowa then show me a kowa please.
Thank you but I think that's part of my point. If the ad says kowas are on sale why don't I get kowas when I click? The grocery store tells me that bananas are on sale when I go to the grocery store sure enough there are bananas on sale. I don't have to search around and ask someone where the bananas are.

If they want to sell a tent or something related to someone in a super cub then send me an email about that. If they, whoever they are, wants to sell me a kowa then show me a kowa please.
Lol, when you look at the grocery store add, are bananas the only thing on sale. Are they so easy to find because its the only item, or do you actually have to go inside, find the correct isle/department and then find the bannas amongst the other items, or perhaps they deliver them to you.
Just asking why? The email said kowas are on sale but the link doesn't get me that. If the grocery store said bananas were on sale but I couldn't find them where they should be I'd have the same question.
I just went through the rokslide black friday thread. They advertise the kowa sale and then give a link to a moderators rokslide account. No kowas included.
Thank you Karen I'll keep that in mind. Meanwhile I'm still wondering why the kowa ad doesn't sell kowas.

You might have me wrong here. I signed up at rokslide specifically because these are my people. I do many of the things that this site is all about. Rokslide asked if they could send me (and everyone else) ads related to my interests and I said hell yeah because google sure isn't. But now I get ads about a product that kinda maybe sorta doesn't exist or something?? I know this isn't the original ownership and all that but you'd thing there's still be some integrity in advertising but maybe not.
So how in God’s name do we get political from a guy critiquing an ad.
This is the perfect example of a thread going nowhere except for silly name-calling and other nonsense. This one’s locked.
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