Don't concern yourself with lots of hunters, hunt where they aren't! Most will start at access points, avoid busy ones & you will be alone in many cases. In time as season progresses elk will also avoid the pressured areas & seek areas most hunters are not at! Look for elk where they are during your hunt not where you want elk to be! Big difference there! Find steep rugged Timbered/Aspen or Brushy country, streams or small rivers to be crossed with seemingly no access, these are where most hunters would drive right by because of difficulty & consider starting your hunt in areas as that, plenty of elk can be found within hearing distance of dirt & paved roads! Be in Elk Shape!
Have a topo of the area so you can see if trails or old roads are on the other side of these mountains, there will be plenty of solitude areas where meadows, parks & basins can be found away from the hordes! Elk can be within calling distance for location purposes in these areas. A high note bugle from you can reach over a mile away, it's a great way to locate from vantage areas & save unneeded wear & tear on boot leather. Your optics can also save you additional wear & tear!
As a sidenote, you do not need to bivy hunt to find & kill elk!
Have a topo of the area so you can see if trails or old roads are on the other side of these mountains, there will be plenty of solitude areas where meadows, parks & basins can be found away from the hordes! Elk can be within calling distance for location purposes in these areas. A high note bugle from you can reach over a mile away, it's a great way to locate from vantage areas & save unneeded wear & tear on boot leather. Your optics can also save you additional wear & tear!
As a sidenote, you do not need to bivy hunt to find & kill elk!