wolves attacking elk in wintering grounds

Guess I am wondering what the surprise is here. Predators using the winter ground where it is easier to kill prey? Sounds about right. Not sure what people expect. If you have Wolves, this is the consequence.
I get why Elk hunters are upset, but again, what do you expect?
Guess I am wondering what the surprise is here. Predators using the winter ground where it is easier to kill prey? Sounds about right. Not sure what people expect. If you have Wolves, this is the consequence.
I get why Elk hunters are upset, but again, what do you expect?
article addresses an anti hunting eco tourist group , wildlife safaris, enjoying the wolves killing the elk
I hunt deer in northern Minnesota where wolf populations are extremely dense. I love wolves and hunting around them.


I stopped grouse hunting in MN and Wi because kept trying to run in and kill my bird dogs
Estimated 2700 wolves in northern Minnesota.
Think about it, 15-20 deer a year per wolf, especially after a couple of really hard winters.
I see way more wolf tracks when I'm out in the bush than I do deer tracks, and I play out in the dings almost everyday.
Seems to me that if you stay close to the roads you will have some deer tracks, but once you get back "in", mainly predator tracks.
Twice I've had wolves "take over" my bear baits, mighty unnerving leaving a bait in the pitch black with wolves growlin, and barking at you, especially when all your carrying is a longbow!
I like wolves, but there is a fine line between just the right amount, and too many.
They have lost there fear of man here, and I think that is a big mistake, we are no longer at the top of the food chain.

I stopped grouse hunting in MN and Wi because kept trying to run in and kill my bird dogs
Yup, wolves will kill dogs. I had them circle my brittany spaniel while grouse hunting where I deer hunt. I fired a few shots over their heads to get them to pause, grabbed my dog, got out of there and moved a couple miles. Doesn't change how I feel about them.
Yup, wolves will kill dogs. I had them circle my brittany spaniel while grouse hunting where I deer hunt. I fired a few shots over their heads to get them to pause, grabbed my dog, got out of there and moved a couple miles. Doesn't change how I feel about them.
what's Minnysoda's wolf objective? Do they even have any idea the wolf numbers in the state? Ive read differing numbers. What happens if you shoot a wolf now in Minnesota killing your dog?

Pretty cool that wolves are one of the few predators that will just kill something and not eat it.
what's Minnysoda's wolf objective? Do they even have any idea the wolf numbers in the state? Ive read differing numbers. What happens if you shoot a wolf now in Minnesota killing your dog?

Pretty cool that wolves are one of the few predators that will just kill something and not eat it.

In the NE part of Minnesota you can shoot a wolf that's an immediate threat to your dog. In the remainder of the state you can kill a wolf it it's a threat to your pets, even if it's not an immediate threat. This could change if (more like "when") the wolf is relisted.

I'm definitely not under the opinion that wolves need to be protected. I'm in favor of wolf hunting with very liberal seasons and quotas. Minnesota wolves can easily handle it. I'm just not on board with the "kill them all" attitude.
This is a daily occurrence on our feedgrounds in western Wyoming this time of year since wolves been expanding throughout our side of the State. When its 10 below and a wolf is hungry, they get very bold in regards to the where and when. Those elk are waiting on the hay wagon to load up out of that shed. And each will get so many pounds of feed without having to scratch a hoof through the snow. The National Elk Refuge has some of the best natural forage around for elk, much of it gets irrigated in the summer to reduce the amount of supplemental feeding. What your not seeing in the video is the other 6 or 7 thousand head of elk roaming around the refuge, picking through natural feed but are getting eaten on every night. On one of our feegrounds a few years ago, wolves killed 22 head in a single night. Now that's not killin' the sick and weak, that is sport killin'. Packs seem to move from feedground to feedground and when a moose is found wallowing in the deep snow between their travels, its done for. We only get to harvest 16 total wolves in the areas adjacent to where there seen in that video. And only 10 where taken during the season from Sept 15th to Dec. 31 this year. And since alot of those elk stay in the Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone corridor, they live to get big and old and so do the wolves. There used to be over 800 moose tags in that region, now, we're down to 7.... yes, 7 total tags. With most moose areas closed to hunting to protect the species in that region. UNBELIEVABLE... someone tell be how its ok to sacrifice an entire moose population for wolves. NO HUNTING...that's what the anti's want, and they've used wolves to get them there.
Guess I am wondering what the surprise is here. Predators using the winter ground where it is easier to kill prey? Sounds about right. Not sure what people expect. If you have Wolves, this is the consequence.
I get why Elk hunters are upset, but again, what do you expect?
Because the wintering grounds for these elk shrink every year around Jackson because of Californians, New Yorkers, Texans and Washingtonians building houses on every available piece of historic wintering grounds outside of the refuge. The elk have nowhere to go to escape the pressure anymore.

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If you start trying to re introduce elk where there are a lot of wolves, you will fail. All that will happen is a supplemental feeding program for the wolves. Ask the woodland caribou in ID. Oh wait you can't because they are extinct now.

I think you’re in need of some fact checking...
I think you’re in need of some fact checking...
lol. So what are the current herd numbers of mountain caribou in N ID and BC now? I used to run into them fly fishing and hiking years ago. Wiped out by wolves and no disputing that FACT.
It’s weird how the animal rights wackos like predators more than prey. They’ll take a dead elk all day long, but they’ll name wolves and try to humanize them.
And when a hunter wants to kill an elk for food, the world is coming to an end and we are evil...
lol. So what are the current herd numbers of mountain caribou in N ID and BC now? I used to run into them fly fishing and hiking years ago. Wiped out by wolves and no disputing that FACT.
What was the cause for the decline?

They've been on the skids since the 70's...