WM Kodiak Deal


Feb 21, 2020
I found a new Kodiak long at over $100 off what the lowest price I can find online. $599 actually. I feel like the bag might be a bit much for me though in terms of it's performance and size. I'm 6'2" and 180 lbs and I'll be hunting rifle seasons in MT (elk) and ND (deer).
ND can get into the teens easily in rifle season, I haven't hunted MT yet, but will be going to the Crazy Mountains.

So what are your thoughts???
I have been looking more at Katabatic/ UGD and EE quilts (all at 10 or 15 degrees) and plan to pair those with an Exped down mat. I'd say I'm an average sleeper temp wise, but I like to toss and turn.
The quilts would be cheaper and lighter, but the Kodiak would be bulletproof as far as conditions go.

Should I stop the madness of quilt building and just buy it or will I regret the space it takes up in my pack?
Rifle season in MT can get cold, especially considering rifle runs til late Nov. You'll be better off at that time frame in a bag than in any quilt setup and I'm a fan of quilts. I remember it being in low teens the first week in October in MT last time I hunted up there. I had my 20deg quilt on an R5 pad and still got cold...I had left my Kodiak sitting on my bed at home. Lesson learned.

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I was hoping to use for example:
A 20 degree EE Revelation with a 50 degree apex revelation. The price for both is $545.00
Then I'd be covered for all seasons and I could use the APEX quilt for glassing on the extremely windy plains
or is that a "dum" idea that will lead to a lot of fiddle farting around?
How many quilts do you already own? Or other bags? Do you already have an early to mid season setup? Or starting from scratch?

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You figuring in your bivy cost into that $545? You'll need one to keep everything together and to eliminate drafts with the quilt setup.

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I have used a quilt as an over bag but never one quil on top of another. I find quilt sleeping to be a bit of an art form and no matter what I do, I always catch a draft.

I like the freedom of quilts so, but i tend to bring a bag for temps below freezing. However, I will open it up and sleep under it like a quilt until temps drop fairly low.
I like quilts in fair weather but for colder weather (late fall to early spring) trips prefer a bag. As stated above it's hard to prevent all drafts with a quilt unless using a bivy which helps keep the system together too.
Does everyone agree that the price is a good deal? Good enough to just buy it and quit sniveling?
Buy the bag if you're going to the Crazies for rifle season. It gets nasty in there, sometimes even as early as archery season.

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Crazy Mountains of Montana and late October SCREAM bulletproof to me. I have a few quilts and when things are going to be rough and cold, I break the bags back out. I’ve not figured out how to make the quilts bulletproof yet which is simple with the good old fashioned bag.
Also have a Kodiak and use it year round. Open it up, stick a leg out, whatever to keep cool in summer. As noted- only downside is size/weight in summer- could get by with a lot less.
I ended up going a different route. If anyone wants the bag let me know and I’ll tell you how to get it.
I took my Kodiak to montana for the General last year, I thought it might be too much.

When it got to -10 late October it turns out it wasn’t.

I wouldn’t go with much less during the MT general.