Wings recurve


Apr 29, 2012
Belgrade, Montana
Hey all you traditional guys, I got a wings archery recurve bow from a friend recently model name is presentation II. has two lengths and draw weights marked on the lower limb, 58" 46# & 62" 44#. I have been a compound bow hunter for a long time but haven't even picked up a recurve since I was a kid and know next to nothing about them. The bow was unstrung when I got it but once strung I noticed that the limbs especially the top one has a bit of twist to it while I pull it back, nothing crazy but a bit none the less. The bow appears to be in fine shape just looking it over, was wondering if that is normal for a recurve? Any help with this or any other help or advice or info on the bow would be great, thanks.


Dec 9, 2012
There should be no limb twist. But having said that, older bows (especially Wings with the thinner limbs) will often have a twist to them if they haven't been stored correctly.
Easy fix though, by a process called "bumping".
Take the unstrung bow, and run it under hot tap water in the sink. Get the limb WARM, but not too hot to touch.
Gently twist the limb section where the twist is in the direction you want to to go in.
Let it cool down. Check it for straightness. Small corrections are always better.
Do it again if it needs another correction.
This may take two or three sessions. Every now and then the limb may have to be heated and flexed again. No problem.
Buy a bow stringer for stringing/unstringing the bow (the old step-through method if not done perfectly will twist those limbs easily).

Welcome to the 'simple side'.


Dec 9, 2012
Yes, Wing was a "mass production" company that was founded by Bob Lee, who is still making custom bows in Texas with his son.
It went through a couple of ownership changes, but that bow will hold it's own performance wise against a lot of high dollar "custom bows". I owned an original 60's Wing Hunter (40+ years old) that would outperform a lot of other 'fancy bows'. Mr. Lee was and is a bow designing legend for a reason.
Technically, Black Widow bows are "mass produced" nowadays, and command big $$. Remember that mass produced bows were and are still a handmade commodity.

I think there are a LOT of Wing fans who may take exception to the "not a great bow" comment...(i don't care though-i'm a longbow guy):p

Enjoy that piece of archery history, and shoot it!

Broken Arrow

Mar 5, 2012
Grain valley, Mo
I wasn't knocking wing by any means. Sorry if it was taken that way actually my buddy had one and could out shoot me with it. But we did straighten the upper limb several times. I have shot a bear hunter TD takedown which was a mass production bow I got for Christmas in the 80's (from bass pro) I love that bow it's a part of me I've hunt half my life with it, took my first rabbit, squirrel, raccoon, and deer with it. It's a good bow and I'd still be shooting it if the rise didn't have a fracture in the laminates. I've made my own bows and have a Jeffries custom takedown. It's the archer behind the bow not the bow that makes the shot. Proper tuning and lots of practice make any bow leathal. The rest is just preference. IMO


Dec 9, 2012
Oh hey, BA i think you've mistaken me for someone who takes himself seriously!
Nope, i was just thinking of some of the 'other trad' type folks who may have taken offence. I think this forum may be safer, as it is a younger, somewhat more laid back kind of place.