The major value - and increased cost - inherent to a Kestrel is the other features. It’s a weather meter and most we use are also a ballistic computer, not just an anemometer. There’s not much excuse for not having an anemometer, a Caldwell Wind Wizard can be had for $20-25. The Kestrel is worth every penny, but in l
Walking around outside with an anemometer and a small notebook in your pocket, observing environmental influences, making a wind estimate, then reading the wind to confirm or correct your estimate is time well spent.
Mirage is the most reliable method until wind gets over 10mph, but then we have to rely upon physical indicators. Pretty common here in KS to have wind over 10mph, so mirage is just an indicator for direction, less for speed. Love the days when the wind is 5-10 and we get to shoot long with great mirage indications.
Physics tells us the wind at the muzzle has the most downrange effect. Weatherflow works great with Strelok pro: you recommend the Caldwell Wind Wizard? Any others you guys recommend to use with Strelok Pro?
Bad wind down here in Texas, helps increase my hits when I go off of my friends Kestrel.