Winchester m70 feed issues

Well, maybe I'll work with the ML and see if I can get that going. I messed with one that already had some bent feed lips and tried to match how much of the rails was exposed on my 280(looking from the bottom side), even though the gap was wider in the 7mag reciever, that seemed to help an awful lot if not actually fix it. Any idea where to get a long (h&h?) Follower?
Good question - not reliably. Keep in mind, there are multiple versions of the 375-length follower. They will all affect feeding/retention differently.

You can try Numrich here: desc

They have post-64 push-feed parts. Feeding is a tricky beast, and given the number of variations over the years, it's hard to say exactly what were the original parts for your rifle. I do know on a later 375 I had, retention was fixed by an older follower as it provided more pressure on the round into the 'corner' made by the feed lips and rail from underneath. Granted, it was not a drop-in fix though. It was wider than my mag box and i had to fit it very carefully so that it would travel freely without binding. Point is, it worked.