Winchester Lever Action 12 gauge


Jan 18, 2019
Does anyone know the approximate value of this 1887 12 gauge? It has been re-blued and had the stock refinished in the past. Is it safe to shoot modern low powered 12 gauge ammo in these guns? This was inherited by my grand daughter... She is into precision .22lr and has no interest in it... I would like to know the value and maybe turn it into another .22 for lever 1.jpgwin lever 7.jpgwin lever 12.jpgwin lever 5.jpg
Neat old shotgun. It's obviously not worth what a pristine collector's version is, but as an inherited gun, that's as unique as they come. She may not like it now or ever, but her kids or grandkids may cherish it. In my mind, inherited guns should be the last to go, so please show her the movie Terminator before saying "hasta la vista" to that old Winchester.
Haven't looked at prices in awhile, but I'd guess $13-1400 value.
Can only safely shoot low power 2.5 inch shells. Chamber is shorter than modern 2.75 inch shotgun.
Thank you for the help... I will let her decide what she wants to do with it