Win against ATF


Rokslide Sponsor
Dec 21, 2016
Good news.

I worked at a small mom and pop gun shop for several years. ATF would come and audit you and would tear your paperwork apart because someone forgot to check a box or wrote down the wrong date. It was always stupid stuff but they would make you sweat over tiny little errors.
They did this to a not so small gun store near me. It may be small compared to big corporate stores, but he moved a lot of firearms and suppressors. They came in and ran him through the ringer for a couple of years. Got to a point he had to split his gun sales and hunting/fishing supplies into two different entities and reapply for his FFL which then took months where he couldn't sell anything. It took a toll on him. He had a stroke or heart attack a few weeks ago. He was no picture of a healthy lifestyle, but I can't help but think this ATF stress added to it.
I hear there are individuals and entities fighting to remove suppressors from the ATFs preview. That would be so great.