Williams western precision fiber optic sight availability?


Sep 24, 2016
Anyone with an inside or even an outside track on availability of these sights? I emailed Williams two months ago and was told they would be available in 2-4 weeks. Figured emailing them back didn't make much sense when they apparently have no idea to begin with. Would like to get my new muzzle loader setup and running before too much longer so debating going with a different sight. Everyone seems pretty sold on this one though. This is my first muzzy so I'm kind of following the herd on this one.
I wouldn’t trust their time lines. I’ve been waiting on a sight ramp from them since last fall. I’ve been told twice “it’s being extruded” “it’s being cut off” “30-60 days” “4-6 weeks”. I’m not sure if I’ll ever see it or not.

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