Wilderness Athlete products?


Dec 27, 2013
Durango CO
Anyone use these products? See any advantage to them over non-hunting specific products (recovery, protein etc. I see they have an altitude specific mix as well)?
I use their energy and focus, fish oil and multivitamins. I don't have any experience with any of their other products. Vitamins and fish oil are about the same as any other brand as far as I can tell but I really like the energy and focus. I take it before workouts, it's a nice pick me up without the jitters that a lot of other pre-workouts seem to cause for me. Plus, they've been awesome about mailing stuff to me in the desert this deployment without charging me an arm and a leg for shipping, not all companies do that. I'll continue to use their products for the foreseeable future.
I have used WA and others....I see no difference. I think they just market to hunters...which is pure genius really...
I have used several of their products. I am most impressed with the hydrate & recovery mix. Its great to use on backcountry hunts to shield nasty tasting water, has a pleasant berry taste. It contains glucosamine which helps those wearing joints and comes in handy packets. All their products are a healthier alterative to many others offered.
I have used their hydrate and recover and energy and focus and have great experience with them. If you mix them together it tastes pretty good and is a real pick me up and recovery tool in the woods.
I have no idea if it's all in my head or if it really does work, but either way I'll keep using the Hydrate & Recover because if my body thinks it's working.......that's worth the money to me.
I use the Hydrate & Recovery along with the Joint supplement & the Energy & Focus. What I like about WA is that they don't use all the sugars and high fructose cancer syrup you find in Gatorade & Powerade. You pay a little more than you would for others but you are getting a high quality product, I think so anyway. Plus you are supporting a company that supports the hunting industry.
Genius idea to market towards hunters (hell I wish I would've thought of it), but I prefer other products. I didn't like the energy and focus. O.N.'s amino energy is a better preworkout, along with superpump250, Jack3d (if you want to be cracked out), ect. For nitric oxide I prefer MRI's NO2black.

Plus they flat out ignored my question concerning using a natural sweetener instead of sucralose (actually deleted it from their facebook page).
I have used their Altitude Advantage pills, Hydrate and Recover and Energy and Focus drink mixes, and their energy bars. Their prices are a bit high. I no longer use the E&F drink mix or energy bars, as there are other, less expensive and similar alternatives out there. I do still use the AA pills with the H&R drink mix. I have no idea if it works or not, but I can tell you that I've never gotten sick at altitude (I live and work below 1000'), despite some quick fly-in trips. I'll be using it next month when I fly in for the Kifaru Winter Rondy. I leave home at 1000' at about 7am, and three hours later, I'll be at 6000' plus. That's just asking for altitude sickness, as my body has no time at all to acclimate to the extreme altitude change. I've done trips like that before, always using the AA and H&R products, and I've never succumbed to altitude sickness. I have no idea if the WA products were a key factor or not, but I look at it as cheap insurance to prevent a fun three-day trip from turning into a trip from hell. Getting altitude sickness doesn't just affect your weekend, either. Someone has to accompany you off the mountain to ensure you don't pass out on the way. The last thing I want to be is someone else's burden...

I switched from a hard core coffee habit to 1 morning super man (take hydrate & recover with energy & focus). It went well and I feel much better. when I say coffee habit, I was getting a venti americano with 4 extra espresso shots for breakfast. I would augment with "work" coffee if needed.

I like the switch and feel much better.
I'm not that big on supplements but since October the big focus for me was to focus on my weakness. I want to go uphills with a pack easier. I do a revolving stair machine and treadmill at 15% grade wearing a weighted pack filled with granite gravel every day during my work week. I sweat a lot doing it but I'm feeling awesome, stronger and leaner now. I like the hydrate and recovery. I'm not sure how much it helps but I'm feeling better. The joint help with the glucosamine is something I like. I don't have any joint problems yet but I do get concerned about them as I get older.
I use most of their products and I think they work great. Multivitamins every day, protein shakes after lifting, running, biking and such. Hydrate and Recover and Energy and Focus are great for before, after, and during activity. Meal replacements sometimes for part of breakfast and when hunting. Altitude advantage when going to high elevations. Pre-workout before workouts.
Love their products.
I just started taking the Multi Vitamins and Joint Advantage about a week ago, so I can't comment on their effectiveness. However, one thing I've liked and I don't think anyone else has mentioned yet... is they aren't the size of horse pills. They are reasonably sized and easy to swallow.
Genius idea to market towards hunters (hell I wish I would've thought of it), but I prefer other products. I didn't like the energy and focus. O.N.'s amino energy is a better preworkout, along with superpump250, Jack3d (if you want to be cracked out), ect. For nitric oxide I prefer MRI's NO2black.

Plus they flat out ignored my question concerning using a natural sweetener instead of sucralose (actually deleted it from their facebook page).

Jack3d is weak sauce now. Fda made them take an ingredient out. I use C4 now and like it. Just picked up my hydrate & recover. Container looked bigger online.
View attachment 13395
Edit: just mixed up a bottle. Pretty tasty stuff.
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i use the hydrate and recover.

go to REI and shop for electrolyte drinks and you will soon realize that tub of WM stuff is the cheapest way to go..

it taste coyingly sweet and weird..but i mix it lean. in the woods for a long time..water gets boring. nice to flavor it with something.
Jack3d is weak sauce now. Fda made them take an ingredient out. I use C4 now and like it. Just picked up my hydrate & recover. Container looked bigger online.
View attachment 13395
Edit: just mixed up a bottle. Pretty tasty stuff.

Ya I should've said the original formula, I tried some of the new stuff and was surprised when I wasn't tweaking..then I did some digging and discovered the formula change.
I tried the energy and focus back in 2008, and would even mix it with the hydrate and recover. It didn't make a difference either way, but it would give me crazy jitters. If I'm remembering correctly, after research I decided that I'm apparently affected by B-6 or B-12 in large doses more than normal.
I like the flavor of the hydrate and recover and also the energy and focus. I think I drank around 100 packets this past fall, good stuff. I didn't get all that jittery or restless like I do with other "energy" products. I will continue to use it I think.