

Oct 19, 2012
Sierra Nevadas
I have been wondering if anyone else wildcrafts on their hunting trips to suplement for some of the food they didn't bring?
I have had a fair amout of sucsses doing this and at times have turned a 10 day hunt into a 12 or 13 day hunt becuse of it.
Over the years I have taught myself what there is to eat in the areas that I hunt in.
For example edible berries are one of my favorites.
Pine nuts can help but they are a lot of work unless you find the right cone and they just fall out. With the amout of edible plants in some areas you can eat greens all day.
Trout has made up the bulk of my wildrness diet more than once and when I'm bow hunting I always bring with me a blunt or two I can nock off a gray squirrel or a rabbit if given the chance and it also gives me a little pratice.

Later, Loner
What you don't like chicken of the trees?
Come to think of it they do look like a rat once skined but I like them better than rabbit.

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