Wild Game Steak Comparison Night

My best out of the limited Game meat my family and friends have have was a 300 pound 2/3 year old bear that lived off of Apples, Berries and other natural stuff, no dumps or trash cans in a 20/30 mile radius.
He had a nice 1/2 inch layer of fat and was very healthy.
There was not a bad way to cook him, Bear BQ, Bearetos, chilli, all was great. that 150 lbs of meat only lasted a month or so.
Found My son having his friends over for midnight BearBQs, told him he was going hunting with me next time and all he needed to do was sit under a tree eating peanut and honey sandwiches oooh and trust in Dads aim.
I would love to try Mountain Lion, croc or alligator tail, and so sad I have never Tasted Moose. Elk, Caribou or Buffalo.
But that bear was tasty.
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Amazing how many but moose on a high pedestal. I’ve had a couple different ones and wasn’t super impressed. One was a cow the other a young bull. Both should have been great eating but both were tough.

Oryx is probably the best I’ve ever had. Antelope is probably #2 followed by caribou then elk, then mule deer.

Have had some pretty good bear, the Aoudad I shot was very good flavor but tough, javalina is pretty good, had some really good Corsican sheep, and good red sheep. And of course a fat corn fed whitetail is pretty tasty.

Now that I think of it most critters are tasty if prepared right.
I love that this got brought back from the dead.

Only new animal I have to add is Axis to try again. The axis tenderloins we had fresh were unreal.

I still don't understand how antelope and caribou get a bad rap.

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My dad and I were discussing this a few nights ago. We figure that antelope got a bad reputation from midwest deer hunters not knowing how to care for meat in a warmer environment/season.

Caribou, neither of us has hunted, but I have read and heard specifically that a bull caribou in peak rut is what tastes nasty.
I absolutely love Pronghorn, I have killed 6 and all were excellent! My uncle is a chef, I gave him a bunch of meat for a dinner party, he said the Pronghorn backstrap was gone Immediately!

Was painful giving him a whole backstrap
My preference is moose, elk, then whitetail. I eat moose probably 3 nights a week and haven't ever gotten sick of it. I've only had caribou as sausage that was commercially made but it was very high on the taste test list for me.
I had a similar dinner last fall we had "deer camp weekend" with several friends coming to my house in PA to chase rutting whitetails with our bows.

I had backstraps from elk, whitetail (yearling), mule deer, and MD sika deer.

I kept it simple so we could really compare the differences of the meat, just a light brushing of olive oil and a sprinkle of S&P. Then seared on a hot grill and cooked rare in the center to medium rare on the ends.

There were 8 of us and thought opinions varied a bit, the consensus was:

- elk had great flavor, but was noticeably tougher

- other than the whitetail yearling being more tender you could hardly tell the muley/whitetail apart

- the sika deer puts all the rest to shame
Shot my first antelope this fall, and it has become my new favorite game meat. I find it hard to believe how anyone who like game meat would dislike it, suppose it could be poor field care.
I did a steak au poivre with elk a few years ago and I think it's still the best thing I've ever eaten. With the tougher stuff (big cuts) I tend to go for sous vide around 149 for 24 hours - sear before sous vide and then then cut into servings and sear again.
Did you ever compare Elk to Oryx ? I can't tell the difference. Deer is more gamey, but not by much.
Moose & caribou has more fat than any of the above.