Why so many Kifaru packs for sale??


Dec 22, 2019
Someone help me understand...Why do I see so many Kifaru packs for sale in the classifieds?? I don’t currently own a Kifaru, all though I have been contemplating buying one.
Is it because there are so many out there or are there other reasons? I just don’t see near as many Exo, Kuiu, or the other top tier packs up for sale.
Kifaru packs do show up often. However, pay attention to how quickly they sell and at what price they sell. A current production kifaru pack in a common size and color will move very quickly for not much less than new price. In comparison, other products on here will struggle to move at less than 75% cost. Some of this may be due to the extended lead time of ordering a new Kifaru, but I wouldn't be hesitant to try Kifaru because you will be able to get most of your money back out easily if you are unhappy.
I’ve been close to pulling the trigger several times. I’m just not a huge fan of lots of Molle webbing, extra weight IMO. They do seem to be extremely well made and have a near cult following. I’ve heard the customer service is excellent as well.
Only thing I sometimes don't like about mine is when it's very stuffed with gear and water, I can sometimes have problems with it creeking/squawking where the bag slips on top of the carbon-fiber frame pieces up top. They will bend/flex and the outer-most edge will curl towards the back, and I think this causes that top sleeve of the bag which slips over the top of the frame tops to be able to rub against it sometimes.

I could not believe it... but upon contacting them about that issue, their suggestion was to put some hokcey grip tape on that top of the frame pieces before slipping them into that slip-over sleeve from the bag. The solution did temporarily handle the issue... until it works it's way back out again and falls off. But... for the money paid.. I was rather pissed that all they had to offer-up was a cheap-@$$ bubblegum type of solution for a product I paid a pretty penny for. To me that's just not right. There should be no way in hell a user can willfully be able to do something that would make your product make that noise. If it can... debug it!! Go back to the drawing board and address the design issue, and make a better iteration of your product.

Because of my sort of OCD ya might say, it really irks me when this creeking/squawking happens as I pride myself on being quiet and lifting my feet and picking the quietest lines thru the terrain, etc. And the area I'm thinking of you can hear something like that for quiet a ways in the quiet of first-lite.

Now... that having been said I'm VERY fond of how this pack is big enough to carry everything and the kitchen sink! It's purpose was to make sure I could packout meat in just 1 trip. And you can with this thing. Sometimes I elect to make it two-trips if my lower back injury issue is problematic at that time, but that's on me, not the pack. The pack can carry heavy weight quiet well if you don't have my injuries. And the shoulder straps were next level comfortable! Was such a nice step up in comfort at weight compared to the lesser quality and smaller used pack I'd used before.
Ton of strykers because everyone is buying the bigger version that just came out. Good argument for getting a bigger pack at the get go.

And I'm sure more than a few of the ones selling them have multiple set ups.

Accessories usually because they get a lot of accessories they end up not using, or want a different color of. So they liquidate what they don't run on their packs. Usually they sell in minutes, and for the list price because of no lead times.

You'll notice everyone buying is usually looking for a specific piece as well. So when guys post entire pack set ups people are often calling dibs on parts in minutes if they decide to split it up.
Well I can’t say much about gear junkies...have entirely too much myself. I had decided to go with the Exo 4800, I’m all about saving a $.01, so I waited on a second hand rig at a good price. It took forever to find one. But in the meantime I was overwhelmed with Kifaru offers on used bags. I know Kifaru has been around longer and has more options. I was just questioning the why.
Well I can’t say much about gear junkies...have entirely too much myself. I had decided to go with the Exo 4800, I’m all about saving a $.01, so I waited on a second hand rig at a good price. It took forever to find one. But in the meantime I was overwhelmed with Kifaru offers on used bags. I know Kifaru has been around longer and has more options. I was just questioning the why.
Can't speak on the other packs, but Kifaru packs seem to last forever. Guys post the original kifaru packs pretty often that they put through hell and still are in good condition.

I know guys who buy a bunch of different ones to see which one they prefer in person then resell the others after, but that's a little too rich for my blood.

I personally spent a lot of time researching what pack I wanted from every company. The Kifaru 44 was the perfect size and watching a buddy change his pack up entirely in the field to carry an entire bear on his frame sold me on it.

Plus made in America is something I like to get more behind. (I do believe exo is american built as well, but don't quote me on it.)
Only thing I sometimes don't like about mine is when it's very stuffed with gear and water, I can sometimes have problems with it creeking/squawking where the bag slips on top of the carbon-fiber frame pieces up top. They will bend/flex and the outer-most edge will curl towards the back, and I think this causes that top sleeve of the bag which slips over the top of the frame tops to be able to rub against it sometimes.

I could not believe it... but upon contacting them about that issue, their suggestion was to put some hokcey grip tape on that top of the frame pieces before slipping them into that slip-over sleeve from the bag. The solution did temporarily handle the issue... until it works it's way back out again and falls off. But... for the money paid.. I was rather pissed that all they had to offer-up was a cheap-@$$ bubblegum type of solution for a product I paid a pretty penny for. To me that's just not right. There should be no way in hell a user can willfully be able to do something that would make your product make that noise. If it can... debug it!! Go back to the drawing board and address the design issue, and make a better iteration of your product.

Because of my sort of OCD ya might say, it really irks me when this creeking/squawking happens as I pride myself on being quiet and lifting my feet and picking the quietest lines thru the terrain, etc. And the area I'm thinking of you can hear something like that for quiet a ways in the quiet of first-lite.

Now... that having been said I'm VERY fond of how this pack is big enough to carry everything and the kitchen sink! It's purpose was to make sure I could packout meat in just 1 trip. And you can with this thing. Sometimes I elect to make it two-trips if my lower back injury issue is problematic at that time, but that's on me, not the pack. The pack can carry heavy weight quiet well if you don't have my injuries. And the shoulder straps were next level comfortable! Was such a nice step up in comfort at weight compared to the lesser quality and smaller used pack I'd used before.

Easy...things can go south pretty quickly here if you don’t worship kifaru....
lots of kifaru owners on this forum. Also, anyone who is willing to drop that kind of coin on a pack is probably a bit of a gear head to begin with. I’d wager 9 out of 10 sellers will or already have replaced the pack they are selling with a different high-end pack.

I get it 100% I’ve had my kifaru since 2017 but every time I see a new pack or new frame from them I have to ask my self: am I even going to notice that I have the newest model? Their stuff is so bombproof that even after 4 years of use it still has tons of miles left in it. I doubt the average guy who hunts 50-60 days a year would ever wear one out. That being said, these days I use my stone glacier more because the empty bag is ~ 4 lbs lighter than my kifaru.
I get it 100% I’ve had my kifaru since 2017 but every time I see a new pack or new frame from them I have to ask my self: am I even going to notice that I have the newest model? Their stuff is so bombproof that even after 4 years of use it still has tons of miles left in it. I doubt the average guy who hunts 50-60 days a year would ever wear one out. That being said, these days I use my stone glacier more because the empty bag is ~ 4 lbs lighter than my kifaru.
Agree. I spent $$ on 2 kifaru tactical frames and 4 packs plus pockets, etc and ended up selling them and going back to MR. It is the gear head curse.
Also, I think people buy them because they think they want a "cool" kifaru pack and then realize they don't need a $$$$ backpack to hunt out of a tree stand or use it as much as they thought they would. Then they get put up in the classifieds.

Disclaimer: I have more Kifaru packs than brains.