Why Match/Target Bullets For Hunting

I see what you are trying to do here but its not apples to apples

Would love to see you run the numbers again an ELD-M -vs- an ABLR or a Berger Elite Hunter of the same size and velocity.

This is an old thread but the question was largely about why people would choose a match bullet vs more traditional hunting bullets. The WEZ comparison does that well.
Not trying to speak for Form here, but it's not intended to be an apples to apples comparison. The thread is titled "why match target bullets for hunting". The post you quoted explains the difference in terminal effective range for a high bc match bullet versus a traditional bonded hunting bullet. Form's selection of a 140 AB seemed pretty reasonable to me. It's not like he picked a core lokt or partition with the BC of a dinner plate.

Showing the comparison with two match bullets doesn't help explain the reasoning for choosing a match bullet over a bonded bullet for long range hunting.
You are speaking for form but ok
I also listed a bonded bullet - the ABLR which would make more sense