Still use a Kifaru Longhunter from 2000 with a Cargo Chair as my bear hunting backpack...and as a loner pack when friends or family hunt with me. Still in OK shape too despite packing a bunch of CO elk, then moose, caribou, bears, deer etc in BC. Cargo chair carries the meat low unless its a big critter with bone in, but was a good option in my opinion. Usually with a bear the chair to further confine the qtrs that are in the bag. Chair adds a lot of rigidity to the load.
My main pack is a Kifaru Reckoning with a meat shelf...which works well.
Did the long hunter's have the cargo chair on the back? We had siwash and late season packs from 2003ish where the cargo chair attached on the back of the pack, and between the short stays and the location of the cargo chair, packing meat was grueling.
Somehow I found the Kodak pics.
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