I was in my local Cabelas the other day and there was 1 brick of CCI BR2 on the shelf plus small rifle and small/large pistol. The same shelf was full of powder. I have no idea how many more BR2 were on the shelf prior to me getting there.
I don't reload pistol ammo. I don't reload small rifle cartridges either. Therefore those will always remain on the shelf after I look at it. I didn't need the BR2 either so those stayed as well. I was mainly looking to see what powder was there. I'm pretty well set on my reloading supplies right now.
That said, Gone are the days of the $0.04/each primers. It'll never be back to that with cost of materials/utilities/wages/freight/etc. Unfortunately it'll likely be $100-150 per 1000 for large rifle primers from now onwards.
Again that being said, the primer is the most important part of the ammunition. You can find bullets and powder, they might not be the ideal bullet or powder for your liking but you can find them. Even if you do find your desired powder and bullet they are worthless without a primer. So at that point, how long do you wait for "not gouging" price? In today's world you did great if you found some for $0.10 each. So at what point do you give in to a "gouger" if you absolutely need them?
Here is a breakdown of cost for my 300prc ammo.
ADG brass 50ct $114 shipped = $2.28 each
Berger 215gr 500ct $319 shipped = $0.638 each
N570 8lb/56,000 grain jug $375 shipped = $0.0066964286 per grain × 82gr load = $0.55/load
I'm at $3.468 for initial firing without a primer.
Like I said above, At what point of waiting do you just bite the bullet on a $300/1000ct brick for $0.30 each? I mean I'm already at almost $3.50/round so why hold out and waste time for a $0.10 primer? Might as well spend the extra twenty cents.
After the thirty cent primer I'm at $3.768/round × 50 rounds = $188.40. A box of 225gr Hornady match is roughly $70/$3.50 each after tax.
Yes My initial firing is more money than factory offering but I have better brass in the long run. Each subsequent loading is $1.488 with again the $0.30 primer. Which is saving me $2.01/each over factory in today's market. From my initial investment of $1,103 for all the above mentioned components ($300 primers). Assuming my brass can be reloaded 10 times each to use all 500 Berger 215gr bullets. It will have cost me $840 for 500 rounds. This leaves me with roughly enough powder for 175 more rounds and 500 primers.
500 rounds of factory for the non reloader would be roughly $1750 @ $3.50/round which would be $910 more for the same round count.
So even paying gouge pricing on primers it is still more cost effective for me to reload my own. The $910 saving covers the cost of the new dies.