Who owns a Hoyt 34" axle bow?


Oct 29, 2014
Just ordered my first 34 axle from Hoyt. Own both '14 Hoyt Turbos and love them. But not a fan of the new turbo cams so I was forced to try a 34. It's insanely smooth and forgiving but being a 5'7" 27.5" draw guy I'm curious will I get used to the extra size of the CS34? Will i have any issues in a blind or treestand? Who here has a Faktor 34, CS34 or Nitrum 34 that can give me some input on owning this length of a bow?

I don't own either of those bows, but I do own a CE and soon a Nitrum 30.

But more relative to your question, I own several "old" Hoyts...as in 20-25 year old Hoyts that are 40-44" ATA and still hunt with them occasionally. You'll have no issues with a 34" bow in a stand or blind. That's a very short bow by many peoples' standards. A lot of us have hunted stands and blinds with bows much longer than 34" with room to spare.
Both your 14' Turbo's were/are 32.5" AtA according to Hoyts tune charts. I am going to guess that the Nitrum 34 with a number 2 cam is actually 33.5" AtA if Hoyt stays true to form. So basically your adding 1/2" of riser length to either end of the bow. I don't even think you will be able to tell the difference. If anything I think you will enjoy the smoother draw cycle and extra stability of the bow.

A few short years ago this would be considered a short bow. :) You won't have any issue with it out of a blind or otherwise. You may find you like it more and is more forgiving. I shoot the Carbon Matrix at 35.25" AtA. One thing I did have to be slightly more careful of was in a climber stand with a railing around it, you have to be cognizant of where your bottom limb is so it doesn't smack the rail, but that's really not much different than most bows.
It won't be an issue. I don't own one of the named bows but have an Element and Bowtech CPXL. The CPXL is 35 ATA and I'm 6'0". I've taken deer out of treestands as well as turkey out of a ground blind. The length was never an issue. The short bow craze is more marketing than anything. I prefer the Element for packing around the back country but for stands and the blind I don't notice a difference.

If 2-3 inches causes interference with your shot you need to trim better shooting lanes.
I thought buying my energy35 was gonna end me in a blind. Nope. Not even close! My friend sat next to me with a DrenLD which is five inches longer. That short bow thing is the latest marketing kool-side. I'm embarrassed to have even bought into it. I think 34 would be perfect. Haha.
Got it all set up, loving the new 34 ZT.

I only hunt/shoot longer ATA bows. I currently hunt with a Hoyt AlphaMax 35. I suspect once you get accustomed to the smoothness and forgiving nature to shoot you'll never go back to shorter ATA bows.

God Bless.
Me E35 fits every situation. But I don't hunt tree stands I can't see how it won't work.
I only hunt/shoot longer ATA bows. I currently hunt with a Hoyt AlphaMax 35. I suspect once you get accustomed to the smoothness and forgiving nature to shoot you'll never go back to shorter ATA bows.

God Bless.

I shoot this same bow. Smooth and forgiving.

Love those longer ata bows!