Who has used ulmers edge broadheads?

Shot a whitetail with one. Loud crack like I'd hit a tree, but it was the arrow going through ribs on the deer. Never heard that out of a fixed blade. He did not go far and the hit was perfect, right where I aimed. The Ulmer's tightened my groups up to exactly the same as field points and hit to the same point of impact. I like them.
Has anyone killed something quartering with these heads?

I watched some videos on the tips and it got me thinking...then Rosin's live hunt got me thinking more..
If you break down a hit (at least in my mind). The tip makes contact and the blades hit the skin and deploy. The tip is now going past the skin and into either the rib or shoulder (quartering) and the blades have locked. Because the swivel as the blade closest to the bone hits the bone it will divert into the shaft of the broadhead and leave the other side of the blade to cut. That blade will get pressure from the skin/muscle and attempt to push back out the blade on the other side, but it will hit a harder surface (bone) and bounce back....thus, possibly causing what Rosin saw happen to his deer???

Am I just over thinking things or is this a reality??
I don't want to be to blame for someone not trying the Ulmer head because of my experience.

I simply made a bad shot with a bad result and don't blame the Ulmer at all. I don't think any head would have turned out different.

I think you hit the animal where you are supposed to, it dies, regardless of which head is at the end if the arrow.

Jndeer, when reading your post, I was following along with the description. I think it is over thought to some degree. I think the Ulmer does what it should even on quartering animals and they end up dead.
Rosin- I was not tying to pick on you, the head, or the shot. I had the thought before I put your shot and my thought together. I know if you put it right it will die. I was going to pick up some heads to try as the accuracy of the BH interests me. However, I just cannot get over the swivel head. I would think my time lapsed scenario could happen more times then not and that leads me away from dropping $40 to try it.

Just trying to get a feel if others have had that happen to them or thought about it as I have.

If thy made a version that expanded, locked together and in the same position .... I would be very interested in that!
IMO the biggest factor on these kind of shots is arrow weight and FOC not the heads themselves although heads with steep blade angles will obviously contribute to the ricochet factor.

The same analogies used in momentum/penetration arguments apply here as well. And then there's just the fact that $h*t happens too so you just do all you can and hope for the best.

With that being said I like my Ulmers the most out of the Mech heads I have used.
Has anyone killed something quartering with these heads?

I watched some videos on the tips and it got me thinking...then Rosin's live hunt got me thinking more..
If you break down a hit (at least in my mind). The tip makes contact and the blades hit the skin and deploy. The tip is now going past the skin and into either the rib or shoulder (quartering) and the blades have locked. Because the swivel as the blade closest to the bone hits the bone it will divert into the shaft of the broadhead and leave the other side of the blade to cut. That blade will get pressure from the skin/muscle and attempt to push back out the blade on the other side, but it will hit a harder surface (bone) and bounce back....thus, possibly causing what Rosin saw happen to his deer???

Am I just over thinking things or is this a reality??

My hunting partner killed a bull elk with one last season and I killed a cow. My cow was quartering slightly towards me, and I wound up putting my Ulmer through both scapulae. I am extremely impressed with this broadhead.