Who has used ulmers edge broadheads?


Feb 24, 2012
I have NEVER used a mechanical. I have been a fixed slick trick fan. However, ulmers edge is very intriguing to me. Has anybody used these and shot a elk/ Deer etc.. with one....Results? Opionions? Thanks!
I have not hunted with them, but I did do some testing with them in both the standard and Deep Six version. I decided not to use them, but some have had very good success on animals and some have not based on internet reports. They do fly well though. I liked the trocar tip and the fact that they use 7075 aluminum, which is almost as strong as steel. I don't like the fact that the tabs or fins of the blade that stick out prior to deployment, are actually blocking the cutting edge of the blade when deployed. It isn't much, but that bothered me. I also don't want a blade that "pivots" around bone. Also, the blade edge was not as sharp as I prefer. My favorite mech is the original Steelhead 125. I just picked up two more dozen from the original Rocket owner. Those things are almost indestructable and always work great. Good luck.
Shot a mule deer doe and a whitetail buck with them this year. The mule deer doe I hit high and back in the lung (complete pass through), so there wasn't much of a blood trail...but the deer died within 50 yards of where I shot her. The whitetail buck I shot at 35 yards and had penetration through both lungs and out the opposite side. The deer went 40 yards before piling up all within view of the stand. They fly great and it definitely kills them.
Shot a bear with them last year. No complaints, great blood trails, penetration and fly great as well. Ill keep using them.
Backpack hunter...I did notice st came out with a mechanical. Have never been a mechanical fan but the ulmer seems well made. 64, aron and all...thanks for your experience with the ulmer. Its definetly one I am gong to do some shooting with this spring. Hey Rob thanks for Dougs live hunt I didn't know that was going on!
Vcb, the Ulmers are the only head that fly just like my field points out to 120. But the Ulmers are the only mechanical I have shot.
I bought some and shot them. Shot great. But I was still to chicken to shoot mechanicals so I never used them. From what I have seen they appear to be a great head and work good.

Im a fixed blade guy thou and too scared to convert. haha My opinion is just tune your bow so your fixed blades fly like your field points. My fixed blades group tight at long ranges. I question myself why would I switch to a mech when my fixed blades fly so great and are much tougher?
Since I had the opportunity to run expandables this year while in Colorado I did. I used the Ulmer Edges while elk hunting, and shot my Elk with one, it killed swift and killed quick! This was my first experience with an expandable broadhead and I found they sure are loud when they hit, it almost made me think i missed because it was a tough shot and the smack made me think I hit a tree! They flew the same as my field points as well just as everyone else has said, sure wish we could use them here in Washington there would be no animals safe!!!!