Who has the best prices on Sitka Subalpine

If you're making a large order get your guide license and then Sitka will give you a 40 or 50% discount. Just depends on what your state charges for a guide license to make it practical or not.
Maketheshot.com (mtn archery in Rexburg, ID) has a code, good through today I believe that will give you 15% or so off, maybe more, maybe less, depending on what all you get. Have to put items in your cart to see the discount. ECLIPSE is the code
Maketheshot.com (mtn archery in Rexburg, ID) has a code, good through today I believe that will give you 15% or so off, maybe more, maybe less, depending on what all you get. Have to put items in your cart to see the discount. ECLIPSE is the code

Bought a couple of pieces yesterday.

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I don't want to get in any trouble here, nor do I want to get any dealers in trouble. So, If this is against the rules, someone please delete my post. However, I don't think I'm hurting anyone here. Go to archery talk and pm the sitka dealers over there. There is at least 2 of them that will give you 15% off.
Leo is only good for yourself or immediate family, that defined that as being claimed on your tax return.

I don't want to be confrontational because I am sure it's state specific as to difficultly, however getting a guides license for the expressed reason of signing up for discounts seems a bit... disingenuous.

The best thing to do is the make a list of the i teams you want and then email( pm ) dealers and see what they fine back with. Most will sell at somewhat of a discount off msrp