no brainer for me. South Shore Archery for me. tell them what you want, and you'll get what your asking for. i recently ordered a dozen arrows, nocks, inserts, fletching the whole 9 to my door cut to the length i shoot and ready for me to build. what allows my arrows to be so consistent is the spine of the arrows are marked and the starting point for my fletchings. G5 squaring tool on top of that allows me to build the perfect arrow for my set up. the bitzenberger fletching tool finishes these arrows off.
they will also build them any way you want them. and do a top notch build.
Sunday, Monday and today were shoot broadhead days grading the arrow flight. not only are my RazorTricks flying like darts out of both bows, the SlickTrick Magnums are flying like darts, with a package of ST Standards on the way, im excited about this batch of arrows! especially with elk season just about upon us.