Get some insulated rubber boots... No amount of clothing kept me warm in KS when the temps plummeted like insulated boots. The cold from the metal stand goes right through most boots.
That's where the "puffy" boot covers or the piece of saddle pad came in for me. It's amazing what even having insulation under the boot sole did.
I bought a pair of the Thermarest heated insoles that are pretty darn nice too. I really haven't used them much hunting but I have used them a lot when horseback moving cattle in the winter months. They can be turned to off, low, or high with a little remote. They wouldn't last all day but I find myself turning them off and on when riding to prevent my feet from getting to warm and sweating. Using them in my Kennetrek winter riding boots it doesn't take much to keep my feet warm.
All good info to say warm! Keep my feet and hands warm I’m good. Picked up boot covers too this spring, see how they work hanging in a tree and Kansas wind. Your layers look good. Carhartt bibs are used sometimes when everything goes brown and cold!
I lived in Kansas for 20 years and have lots of experience hunting on the Eastern half of the state. Kansas can be very warm and crazy cold/windy in November. You will want to sit in the stand all day during November. This means that you will want bombproof clothing . Most of the stuff that you find at Cabelas just doesn’t seem to keep you warm for all day sits in cold weather for me. Sitka, UA, First Lite, etc. I have tried it all.
I have found that Iwom, Heater Body Suit, and Cabelas stand hunter gear will do the trick. Anything less and I freeze or will have to get down and warm up in the truck. I go to Alberta every year and I will I take my Iwom with me no matter what. I also use the Cabelas Thermal Zone Stand Hunter vase lawyers.
I would rather have the option of taking layers off from being to warm vs freezing and trying to hang on.
I haven't tried the Kelvinlite or Eddie Bauer puffy's, but I've tried other puffy's and for me they're too noisy for close-quarters bowhunting.
When it get really cold I use the Heater Body Suit for all day sits. Its very quiet, you can wear lighter layers to and from your stand, and stay warm all day in the envelope of warm air in your body suit. When it comes time to shoot, you're also not bulked up with heavy layers of clothes, which can effect your shot.
The Cabelas windsheer fleece though sounds good if that'll keep you warm all day - very quiet but I know that wouldn't keep me warm all day if the temps are 15 or below with wind, even with your baselayers.