Which sight?

I switched 3 years ago from the SH 5 or 7 pin sights to the SH Fast Eddie MRT 3 pin.
Pins are set at 20, 30 and 40 and I use the top pin with the tape. IMO, it gives me the best of both worlds. I can them as a fixed pin if it’s a quick setup or dial up the range if time allows.
I have a 4 pin slider from CBE, forget which model. It feels like a happy medium. A 5 pin seems too busy and 3 doesn't feel like enough.
I've had a fair number of MBG sights coming through my shop with windage bars breaking for no reason at all. Check out the spot hogg 2 up and triple stack options. They are bullet proof.
I have been running a black gold 3 pin slider for a few years. I have a single pin housing as well but stick with the 3pin. It's worked well for me. I'm a bit sketched about swapping to the single pin for hunting and being stuck to dial or guess.
Like you, I used a 7 pin Spot Hog for years. I went with the Options Canyon Pounder last year and really like the ability to swing open the housing for a single slider pin. Worked great for a single pin on the bear bait and dialed in the exact yardage for my caribou. I do wish the pins were slightly brighter though.
I have fast eddie xl and a black gold sight. The fast eddie is a 3 pin horizontal the top pin is my floater pin. Spott hogg is very durable but heavy. The black gold is a lot lighter and the pins are about the same for brightness as the spot hogg. Look into the new boone sight from spot hogg looks like they fix all the things people have wanted out of a spott hogg with that sight.
Ended up going with the Option 8. It seems pretty bright, (not as much as the MBG but still good) and the ability to dial a single open while retaining the option of having fixed pins is really nice. Very hunting friendly concept. Just waiting on the bow and then I can mount it and try it out. One thing is for sure, the speed goats are in trouble this year!
I love my SH 5 pin Hogg father. 0.019 pins for 20/30 then swapped the 40/50/60 pins for 0.010 pins and got rid of the yellow so I only have red and green alternating. Been a great set up for me so far.