Which Reflex Optic Red Dot Size/MOA for Turkey Shotgun?


Sep 16, 2016
St. Louis
Hey guys. I'm getting older (aren't we all, LOL!) and despite having uncorrected, good distance vision, decided I'd probably be well served by getting a red dot (reflex optic) for my turkey hunting shotgun. I've not decided which brand/model to get; want to stay under $300. I saw a thread from December where a guy was asking for input on which brand. What I'd like to know is, what size dot do you guys experienced with these optics prefer? Besides the 3 and 8 MOA Burris offerings, I think Holosun has 2 and 6 MOA units. Not sure about Vortex. My hunting buddy had the Burris FF3 in 3 MOA but hated it and he got the 8 MOA and likes it way better. He's a way better turkey hunter than me so I value his opinion a lot (I can't test out his unit as he lives hours away from me). I'm wondering if maybe Cabela's or the likes has shotguns in stock with optics on them, maybe that would be a good way to check into this.

Anyway, in the meantime, what are your thoughts on this? Oh and I saw someone in the December thread mention astigmatism; I don't think I have that but am not sure.....what does the red dot look like if you have this problem and what's a good way to overcome it?

Thanks in advance.
Astigmatism causes the red dot to not be round. It starbursts or flares. As far as dot size, I prefer around 3 moa. I'm sure the others are fine, I just like a smaller dot.
I prefer a smaller dot as well, but I also have good eyes. A good compromise could be to do one of the Holosun’s a with the Multi Reticle System. If the 2 MOA dot is hard to find you can select the reticle with the 32MOA circle around it to help locate it at distance or against bad backgrounds.
3moa has been great for me, although that’s on a duty pistol. I personally wouldn’t want any larger on a shotgun.
I usually prefer a smaller dot but with a shotgun, I don’t think you’ll regret a larger dot if that’s what your eyes need. I’ve found that varying the intensity helps me find that sweet spot more so than the dot size.
I’ve become a pretty big holosun fan. I got the 507 comp that has about 8 reticle choices. My thought was I could choose a circle that is close to the pattern at xx yards. Not sure it will work but the sight is sweet regardless
Dot size is a personal preference. Your best bet is to go to a store and look at each one in person. Your eye is going to see the dot differently from how someone else might.

Make sure to adjust the dot to the minimum brightness level necessary for the environment you are going to be using it in. If you turn your dot on inside your lit house early in the morning, you are going blind yourself when you look though it at a gobbler at first light. Brightness level also plays a factor in how crisp the dot appears to your eye. Too bright and you’ll get a starburst. Too dim and you won’t be able to pick it up quickly.

As far as brands go, I would vouch for Vortex. Good quality at a reasonable price, and, as with anything electronic, at some point, electronics get old and fail. Batteries leak. Dot windows get cracked banging though brush. Vortex will cover all of these events, no matter what.
I prefer the 3 moa in the burris fast fire. Get a sumtoy mount if your gun is drilled and tapped and your good to go.
I have a Holosun and a Burris FF3. I also have an astigmatism and at times the dot isn't round. It's a starburst but it's still clear enough to know where the center is.
I have the 3 moa in the Burris fast fire and I like it well enough. I have not used, but I don't think I would like an 8 moa dot as the 3 pretty much covers a turkey head and neck at 40+ yards. I'm sure Vortex or Holosun similar would work just as well.

The most important part is that you replace your batteries every season....... ask me how I know......
Spend a little extra and get an Aimpoint. I like the 9000SC on my turkey gun. Its not a reflex type like the fast fire but its tougher than all get out and the batteries don’t die.
Enclosed emitter is a good idea for field use. I’ve been testing some of the Viridian products, as I really like the green dot.

The RFX44 would be good, or if an open emitter is ok the RFX15…I like the slightly smaller size for tramping through the woods. I’ve beat the crap out of both of them and they are holding up well.
Almost all of these red dot sights have bright red or orange chrome lenses. Turkeys are super dialed into colors and I honestly I can't bring myself to strap what looks like half an oakley sunglasses on to my shotgun. Anyone know of any muted or non colored red dot lenses?
I’ve become a pretty big holosun fan. I got the 507 comp that has about 8 reticle choices. My thought was I could choose a circle that is close to the pattern at xx yards. Not sure it will work but the sight is sweet regardless
Yeah that’s one of my favorites, works well on long guns or pistols imo.