Which Hoodie


Apr 20, 2022
Don't own one, looking for something for layering or stand alone. Temps 30's -90's? wool or synthetic?

Paired with a rain jacket and puffy, I’ve worn it in colder and hotter weather than you asked for.
one piece to take you between 30 and 90 degrees??? and possibly stand alone...are you for realz or is this a joke?

I am not sure something such as this exists.

My hoodies go like this:

temps above 75: sitka equinox guard hoodie
temp 50-75: sitka guard hoodie with ambient over top as needed
temp below 50: not wearing a hoodie since bugs are not a problem and I have better base layers in cooler to cold climates.

I prefer my base layers when really layering up to be hoodless to reduce clutter around my neck, and will just use a neck gaiter as needed to control heat.
one piece to take you between 30 and 90 degrees??? and possibly stand alone...are you for realz or is this a joke?

I am not sure something such as this exists.

My hoodies go like this:

temps above 75: sitka equinox guard hoodie
temp 50-75: sitka guard hoodie with ambient over top as needed
temp below 50: not wearing a hoodie since bugs are not a problem and I have better base layers in cooler to cold climates.

I prefer my base layers when really layering up to be hoodless to reduce clutter around my neck, and will just use a neck gaiter as needed to control heat.
I don't mean stand alone when it's cold hence I said layering. Stand alone if temps are up.
one piece to take you between 30 and 90 degrees??? and possibly stand alone...are you for realz or is this a joke?

I am not sure something such as this exists.

My hoodies go like this:

temps above 75: sitka equinox guard hoodie
temp 50-75: sitka guard hoodie with ambient over top as needed
temp below 50: not wearing a hoodie since bugs are not a problem and I have better base layers in cooler to cold climates.

I prefer my base layers when really layering up to be hoodless to reduce clutter around my neck, and will just use a neck gaiter as needed to control heat.
95+ in August, California mule deer hunt.
Daytime high of 25 in Idaho October. I wouldn’t consider myself uncomfortable in either photo and would wear the same outfits in the same conditions again.

Paired with a rain jacket and puffy, I’ve worn it in colder and hotter weather than you asked for.
This Kuiu 145 merino is the least durable merino I've worn. Out of over a over a dozen in 10+ years.. To me it's not worth it. Just my .02

I like the Sitka 120 the best right now. Most versatile so far - durability is yet to be proven fully but it's better than the 145 already.

For Synthetic the Realm hoody from Black Ovis is super nice. Their merino is solid for the price too. They have them on a great sale on Camofire right now.
one piece to take you between 30 and 90 degrees??? and possibly stand alone...are you for realz or is this a joke?

I am not sure something such as this exists.

My hoodies go like this:

temps above 75: sitka equinox guard hoodie
temp 50-75: sitka guard hoodie with ambient over top as needed
temp below 50: not wearing a hoodie since bugs are not a problem and I have better base layers in cooler to cold climates.

I prefer my base layers when really layering up to be hoodless to reduce clutter around my neck, and will just use a neck gaiter as needed to control heat.
Yall some tough bastards if all you wear is a sweatshirt at 30 degrees LOL my pussitus would kickin and Id die
This Kuiu 145 merino is the least durable merino I've worn. Out of over a over a dozen in 10+ years.. To me it's not worth it. Just my .02

I like the Sitka 120 the best right now. Most versatile so far - durability is yet to be proven fully but it's better than the 145 already.

For Synthetic the Realm hoody from Black Ovis is super nice. Their merino is solid for the price too. They have them on a great sale on Camofire right now.
Can confirm they may not be very durable, one of mine has a hole or two in it. But my boots also get holes in them after some use….🤷🏻‍♂️
Gotcha gotcha.

If you are going for something that could be stand alone in the 90's, you want synthetic to allow for more moisture control and wicking effect. My early season archery hunting is in the high 80's to low 90's sometimes and the sitka guard is great from a bug control standpoint and moisture wicking. But if I wasn't concerned about bugs as much, pretty much any synthetic is going to work well.

Some people will say synthetics are not good for cold, but with proper layering, they can be great to keep moisture away from your body. So do not get caught up in the hype that wool is the only thing to use in cooler climate, synthetics can be just fine, you just have to have proper layers that breathe well and still provide insulating properties so you can wick moisture and stay warm.

As I said, I prefer not to have a hoodie for base layer in the cold due to neck clutter. Personal pref. The grid fleeces like the sitka hvywt, sitka fanatic, and the SG helio are great for cold weather base layers. I have worn each in the 70's and they could be pushed into the 80's if you don't mind sweating, but much above that as they are just too warm and do not feel as cool on the skin as the sitka lightwt or guard do in hot weather.

if you are really sticking to one piece and want a hoodie that is versatile, the sitka fanatic line is pretty dang good. lots of use for this one in a hunters lineup.