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I think that picture is a pretty poor depiction of what reality is with the eh1. As you can see above, Atleast on the tikka inlet, the bore line and stock comb is damn near the same. I don’t have a fancy paper to lay it on just a straight line on my wood floor. I wish manners could do an ultra lite raised butt pad Maybe I can talk LRI into cutting it off and fitting something that allows the butt pad to be raised 3/4-1”.
Iv used a bravo, and regret getting rid of it, especially for mcmillan game scout/warden style stocks, but the eh1 seems to be the next best thing considering alterra and gunwerks won’t make a stock for the tikka, or don’t any longer.
I notice an immediate difference in just the bottom side of the butt stock when going from bravo/eh1 to something like a game scout/warden. That and I hate aics mags on a hunting rifle with a passion.
I’m a believer in what your saying on stock design. I wish they would make a negative comb stock, all the other ergonomics seem to be close. But I hear you on the parallel lines to look for, they make a hell of a difference when it comes to staying on target.