Which 30-30 Ammo would you choose


May 10, 2020
I have he chance to buy 30-30 ammo in Remington 150gr Core Lokt and Winchester 150gr power points. Which of the two tends to be the more accurrate ammo?
Both are accurate loads to the limits of the 30-30's range limits. That said, I had good experiences with the Remington loads in mine. If you can find it, the Hornady Leverevolution shoots very well in most guns.
I have some LeverRevolution already but I can pick either the Rem or Win 30-30, 150gr. It will be used mainly for deer hunting . I have a Magnum Research BFR In 30-30. At the cost of ammo these days , I would rather buy one, 2 yrs ago I would of bought a box of each and went to the range then bought more of the one I liked. Those days are gone!
The Remington's have always giving me a better blood trail and penetration than Winchester in any caliber I've shot an animal. I wont buy Winchester Power Points anymore.
Both my marlins prefer Remington for group size On paper. As others have stated, for the distances I would shoot a critter with my 30/30 the difference isn’t that great. In this ammo environment, I would probably take what I can get a decent supply of so that I could zero and still have enough to hunt for a while.
I’d buy Winchester. I bought 6 boxes of rem.35rem for my marlin, and I found about 10rounds total that the action won’t close all the way, and a few others that needed a pretty hard squeeze to close the action enough to fire.
My late Dad swore by the 170gr REM Core Lokt Hollow Point. He like the performance and the fact that there was no exposed lead to mess up. I have his rifle and the leftover ammo in the safe but haven’t shot it since before he passed.
Back in the day I used the Remingtons In my 30-30. They were plenty accurate and I mostly shot hogs 20-100 yards. Bonus was non of them got up and walked away.
My hunting buddy shot Winchesters out of his 30-30 and he had the same results.
Buy a box of each and give it a go.
Which one does your rifle prefer?

Your rifle will tell you which one it likes. Terminal performance wise, I doubt you will see much difference. If you can afford to do so, you can always get both, determine which works best and sell the others. I guarantee you will not have a problem selling the ammo that you determine is least preferential.
I shoot hornady 160ftx but out of those I’d chose the remingtons. There have been a lot of deer out down with those over the years and they always shot fine out of my rifles.