Where is the Ammo Really Going?

sure. trying to think back 2 years ago when i first started and remember what my thought process was.

gee the world's gone crazy. i need a gun.

well i dont know anything about guns. so i start reading up on guns and laws, very confusing and discouraging to get a CCW permit for a handgun. but found i dont need one for long guns. went and took NRA Basic Shotgun Shooting Course, to get familiar with shotgun. went and bought the biggest 12g bullpup shotgun there is (later realized i had no practical use for it, and eventually sold it). ended up with a nice 12g over under shotgun.

i wised up and took NRA Basic Rifle Shooting Course, then bought a m1 rifle. i was happy for a bit. i ultimately wanted to own a handgun, so i had take courses and apply for CCW permit, then got one. collected a couple of 9mm pistols. but ammo got expensive, without practice these guns are useless, well 22lr is still affordable. i bought a nice 22lr pistol and tons of ammo for it. i can practice with it extensively while i still can use 9mm sparsely.

then i realized i always wanted to hunt, guns are just one of many tools to get there. i started learning about hunting (books, youtube etc). i realized i dont have right tools.After reading quiet a bit, i bought a nice bolt action 308 rifle which for most NA game should be enough with right shot & grain (not gonna debate about 270, 300, 30-06, 338 etc as i have ZERO experience other than book knowledge). i am happy with it (for now). i bought enough hunting rounds for the rifle. i wanted a backup gun while hunting or scouting. so i bought a 44 mag revolver (after debating about 454 casull).

anyhow thats how i ended up different firearms and ammo (Mind you, i havent set foot on the ground by this point)

i am a token n00b to the extreme.

my learning curve for hunting is hilarious as well.
wait till you decide to get into the reloading game, that my friend, is a long dark treacherous and expensive slope. Completely fun to "nerd" out to, but can get very costly.
It's coming back (yesterday) ...just taking awhile and you have to get there at the right time.
If you placed that much ammo on the shelves of my local sportsmans warehouse it would be gone in one day. They had 13/14 thousand rounds of 9mm it was gone in a few hours.
If you placed that much ammo on the shelves of my local sportsmans warehouse it would be gone in one day. They had 13/14 thousand rounds of 9mm it was gone in a few hours.
That was in the burbs of Denver. Had my buddy pick up some hard to find .243 Win. My sportsmans in Wy has had a bunch lately too....much more than say 6 weeks ago. And they're getting it regularly now and it's got some shelf life, so I'm hopeful it's coming back to halfway normal.
Only calibers I see on the shelves are ones no one shoots. You can have full shelves but how many people really shoot 6.5x55 or 416 Rigby anymore? Not many. I've got pics that look like that and it's all obscure loadings. Gets people excited and then they realize there's nothing there they need.

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Only calibers I see on the shelves are ones no one shoots. You can have full shelves but how many people really shoot 6.5x55 or 416 Rigby anymore? Not many. I've got pics that look like that and it's all obscure loadings. Gets people excited and then they realize there's nothing there they need.

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that's what i've seen as well. it's kind of a tease when you walk up to the isle. then reality sets in.

luckily i got my order from eagle eye filled so at least i have my 6.5 stocked up for a bit and i can make ammo for a few other calibers if i need them. i said after the last ammo run that i would consolidate my cartridges. now i'll have my safe queens and those that i use will be 4 calibers i keep on hand or can make.
Wait'll Joepa and his minions hit us with an eyebleed tax on every round and every component to pay for "gun violence". I've been expecting this for a while. Have as many guns as you want, Barney Fife, cuz you'll only be able to afford one bullet.
How many rounds does the government buy?

I am sure they are plenty of guys who buy it for it to sit in their basement, which is silly to me.
It's called, being prepared. I mean, one never knows when there will be an ammo shortage. Unless you don't pay attention. Ray Charles saw this coming.
I consider myself fortunate that I’ve stocked up on components over the last ten years whenever I saw them available. I can likely hunt the rest of my life and not need to buy anything more. I’d always like to have more 9mm, .223, and .308 ammo on hand for training and personal use, and that’s definitely hard to come by

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How many rounds does the government buy?

I am sure they are plenty of guys who buy it for it to sit in their basement, which is silly to me.

If you've not noticed, the police in many cities don't do jack shit about "low level" crime anymore. That simply leads to more brazen criminals and more crime. To hell with "broken windows" enforcement is the current mode. Our locals are self-admittedly overwhelmed with crackheads and homeless. As some famous Latino rappers once said: When the shit goes down, ya better be ready! I got ready many years ago.
How many rounds does the government buy?

I am sure they are plenty of guys who buy it for it to sit in their basement, which is silly to me.
I have a bunch of crap in my basement. Powder, bullets, primers etc. I got most of my powder for under $25 a pound. Scheels is selling powder for $41 a lb now. Norma and Lapua brass, Barnes, Partitions etc., have all more than doubled in price since I got mine. It is also only a matter of time before Democrats figure out a way to start excess taxing on ammo and components and restrict internet sales and shipping. Putting gun shops and manufacturers out of business is also on their agenda.

Regardless, I got most of my stuff when I was working so that I didn't have to buy anything outside of tags, food, boots and clothing when I retired and I have extra boots and clothing too. I am a big believer in planning ahead and did so over a period of years. My wife, house and truck are paid for, I have $0 debt, a basement full of hunting crap and a young GSP sitting next to me.

It isn't hoarding to me, it was planning ahead for when my income is less and things cost more. That makes sense to me and I am glad I did it.
How many rounds does the government buy?

I am sure they are plenty of guys who buy it for it to sit in their basement, which is silly to me.
It’s silly until it’s not. I definitely don’t have mountains like some of these guys, but I have enough I never get bothered when a Democrat gets elected and ammo goes through the roof.
I have a bunch of crap in my basement. Powder, bullets, primers etc. I got most of my powder for under $25 a pound. Scheels is selling powder for $41 a lb now. Norma and Lapua brass, Barnes, Partitions etc., have all more than doubled in price since I got mine. It is also only a matter of time before Democrats figure out a way to start excess taxing on ammo and components and restrict internet sales and shipping. Putting gun shops and manufacturers out of business is also on their agenda.

Regardless, I got most of my stuff when I was working so that I didn't have to buy anything outside of tags, food, boots and clothing when I retired and I have extra boots and clothing too. I am a big believer in planning ahead and did so over a period of years. My wife, house and truck are paid for, I have $0 debt, a basement full of hunting crap and a young GSP sitting next to me.

It isn't hoarding to me, it was planning ahead for when my income is less and things cost more. That makes sense to me and I am glad I did it.

I don't fault you for that. My beef is the AARP gatherings outside of the ammo stores an hour prior to opening. They get first crack at the ammo and then it shows up a few hours later in the local classifieds at double the cost. This happened during the previous ammo run too. This time some younger out of work folks were mixed in with the retirees.

Either way I sold most of my unused powders and projectiles at msrp. My plan was. To consolidate to what I actually use and keep enough on hand for a few years worth of use. Obviously this year I've cut back and the only gun getting work is my 22 short for the pot guts.
Seems like things are starting to turn around a bit, getting notices from several ammo sites about calibers that I've had on watch lists that are now available. Hope the trend continues and prices start to come down some. I shoot shotgun sports and the price/availabilty of ammo has caused a bunch of guys that used to shoot regularly to cut back and it's hurting our little gun club.
I don't fault you for that. My beef is the AARP gatherings outside of the ammo stores an hour prior to opening. They get first crack at the ammo and then it shows up a few hours later in the local classifieds at double the cost. This happened during the previous ammo run too. This time some younger out of work folks were mixed in with the retirees.

Either way I sold most of my unused powders and projectiles at msrp. My plan was. To consolidate to what I actually use and keep enough on hand for a few years worth of use. Obviously this year I've cut back and the only gun getting work is my 22 short for the pot guts.
That is exactly what is going on in my area. A lot of these components will start showing up at estate sales, just bide your time!
I've been actually thinking about getting a .375 ultra mag. Seems to be a good supply of ammo for it everywhere I go!