sure. trying to think back 2 years ago when i first started and remember what my thought process was.
gee the world's gone crazy. i need a gun.
well i dont know anything about guns. so i start reading up on guns and laws, very confusing and discouraging to get a CCW permit for a handgun. but found i dont need one for long guns. went and took NRA Basic Shotgun Shooting Course, to get familiar with shotgun. went and bought the biggest 12g bullpup shotgun there is (later realized i had no practical use for it, and eventually sold it). ended up with a nice 12g over under shotgun.
i wised up and took NRA Basic Rifle Shooting Course, then bought a m1 rifle. i was happy for a bit. i ultimately wanted to own a handgun, so i had take courses and apply for CCW permit, then got one. collected a couple of 9mm pistols. but ammo got expensive, without practice these guns are useless, well 22lr is still affordable. i bought a nice 22lr pistol and tons of ammo for it. i can practice with it extensively while i still can use 9mm sparsely.
then i realized i always wanted to hunt, guns are just one of many tools to get there. i started learning about hunting (books, youtube etc). i realized i dont have right tools.After reading quiet a bit, i bought a nice bolt action 308 rifle which for most NA game should be enough with right shot & grain (not gonna debate about 270, 300, 30-06, 338 etc as i have ZERO experience other than book knowledge). i am happy with it (for now). i bought enough hunting rounds for the rifle. i wanted a backup gun while hunting or scouting. so i bought a 44 mag revolver (after debating about 454 casull).
anyhow thats how i ended up different firearms and ammo (Mind you, i havent set foot on the ground by this point)
i am a token n00b to the extreme.
my learning curve for hunting is hilarious as well.