Where do Big Bucks end up during Christmas? SW Oregon youth hunt advice!!


Nov 3, 2020
Hey Rokslide! My little sister has a tag that runs from now until January 5th. We can just hunt the applegate and I get home from college Wednesday. Not looking for spots, I’m pretty familiar with the unit as I grew up bear hunting it pretty heavily. I grew up and in Grants Pass, and that’s where we will hunt out of. I’m really more curious as to where the bucks migrate during winter post rut and tactics to find them during the end of December and start of January.

I’m a college student and have been out of the state for 2 so haven’t had a lot of time as of late. I’m helping my 17 year old sister. She shot a spike when she was 13 and we hope to get a chance at a mature buck!! I’m pretty familiar with some of the high elevation spots that will be inaccessible with snow and the Buncom to Applegate lake area. I know a large portion of the deer will migrate out of the high country. I imagine the bucks will be recovering from the rut and hanging out alone but would love to hear input.

My question for you everyone is how you would target the bucks at this time of year. Ideas I currently have:
1 Is go to the spots I’m familiar with in the lower elevation oak habitat areas. I’m curious if more bucks move in during the winter down there.
2I know we could explore some new country around snowline. I’m guessing these bucks will be hanging around in the lighter snow areas, but really am not sure! We have a lot of time to hunt and I’m excited to get away from class for a bit!

Feel free to send a direct message and I’d be happy to hand out my number to talk through plans. I plan to update as we hunt and appreciate any ideas!
IMG_4407.jpegI just took this yesterday. Not a giant but he let me get within sling shot range before he fed off. Just south of GP right below the snow line. Only deer I saw all day.
They will be on good feed, and if there are a lot of does in the area, you might see some rut activity around the first… in high populations of deer, I have seen some pretty good rut behavior on which I assume is the 3rd cycle

I would focus on food, and pay attention to sign, bucks need nutrition right now
Appreciate the advice, I’m guessing we will find them by glassing feeding areas during rain or other prime times. Think it’s worth chasing them more in the snow, or the low country that won’t have any snow?
We had a super fun hunt. Couple chances at bucks, and a couple misses. We worked on some shooting habits and she shot a doe day before season closed. Grateful for the experience and all the fun we had. Good times with the family are priceless!
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Just released who you are. We spring bear hunted together a couple of years ago.
Glad the hunt was successful!