Where are all the hardcore Varmint hunters gone ?

I’m new to varmint hunting…well hunting in general. But I chose varmint hunting as my starting pint because I can hunt them all year, I can learn a lot by doing, and it gives me a chance to explore my state (NM) public lands. I have found a really nice prairie dog spot that takes about an hour off road to get to. I don’t think it gets hunted much. I’m still waiting for my first coyote to come to my call. Last time I went I got one to respond but he kept hidden. It was very exciting! I also am hoping to call in a mountain Lion this year but won’t get my hopes up. They’ve been pretty frequently killed here lately. Hoping to learn. To tan some hides so I can have something to keep and look back on.
I might get after em tomorrow afternoon. But I'm sleeping late in the morning.
Hit it too hard surf fishing this morning.
Getting old sucks
Taken hundreds of foxes with the bow in OZ, even have a dedicated bow for them. They’re the only animal I hunt from end of December through mid March.
Like to call coyotes in the winter months when I have time. Occasionally get a bobcat or two if I'm lucky. Haven't been in a prairie dog town in years but there's still a few around. I always liked the smaller calibers for predators and varmints. Especially 17 calibers.
I love all types of hunting although a good ol woodchuck shoot is by far one of my favorites. Usually pretty easy to get permission onto someone's property as compared to deer hunting.
I really enjoy coyote hunting. I moved to Idaho from Kansas five years ago after retirement. I haven't had any luck coyote hunting on BLM land in Idaho. If any of you guys are looking for a hunting buddy to shoot coyotes in Idaho let me know.
Raised hounds for 20 years and hunted coon and coyote constantly...times have changed and places to coonhunt the way we used to is next to impossible these days. Coyotes seems as if everyone and their 12th cousin tries to chase them. Finding places to do what I once loved is difficult.
I was spending 30-40 days a year predator hunting but late last year and this year haven’t gone out at all. I became very career oriented and most of my free time is spent making this business work
I predator hunt a little here and there.


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