When was your first year hunting OTC Elk in Colorado?

1999. The early years, I don't remember seeing anyone. Well - I did see one guy the first season but he was hunting muleys. Now, dudes seem to be coming out of the woodwork. lol
Newbie here: This September. Hunted a low/no point draw unit in NW CO. Disappointing! Ran into a biologist on the mountain talking of the herd being “decimated” during winter storms. Is that real talk?
This year will be my first, been in Colorado since 2016 and figured it’s about time I do what I moved out here for. My last job sucked 12 plus hour days with no paid vacation, I’m in a much better place now thankfully, I’ll be getting paid to go hunt.
2014 rifle, in 18 switched to archery. In 2021 I found out the hard way as a non resident you cannot hunt two bull elk a tags in co. Gave some guys I met in a restaurant my pins and plan. They were from ny and ended up harvesting a nice 5x5, 2nd rifle.
1983-rented horses, west elk wildnerness and raggeds wilderness. spike camped a couple of nights. rest of time in a winnebago motor home camped in horse ranch park between crested butte and paonia. I was hooked after this hunt.