When to stop supporting a hunting brand

This is where I fall back on. I guarantee even if a business doesn't openly state it, they do something I don't agree with. But if I boycott everyone, I now have to make my own cell phones.
This should ring true for everyone (pun intended) but it won't. If you're cool posting outrage about some hunter you've never met by using a phone made by slaves, then that's kinda who you are. There's no changing that one.
This should ring true for everyone (pun intended) but it won't. If you're cool posting outrage about some hunter you've never met by using a phone made by slaves, then that's kinda who you are. There's no changing that one.
IMO uneducated opinion, I honestly feel that with the cancel culture that was born a few years ago, people just get on a bandwagon about a certain subject but ignore anything else that may have the same merits.
I don’t go looking too hard. But I’ll choose not to do business with people using my money to support things I don’t agree with (ie. Orvis donating to causes I find unethical, camo companies paying people who are negatively impacting hunting). At what point am I funding this stuff (it’s the whole hunters/conservatives being pro union discussion when a percentage of your paycheck is going to a certain gun- and hunting-hating political party). Or simply buying an overseas item that’s going towards slave labor. None of us are really innocent.

People do attach themselves to an issue and seem to turn blind when it affects something they like. I’ve seen a few people that go hard in these threads that will suggest and tooth and nail defend outfitters that have poaching convictions.
When a company stops making a product that meets my needs, or another company makes a better product. Once product's are about equal and I have trouble choosing, then emotional stuff comes into play. Or, if I feel the company is borderline criminal.

If I stopped buying products because of ideological disagreement, I would not be able to buy anything. If I stopped talking to people because of such disagreements, I would never talk to anyone other than my wife.

I'll put this differently, how would you feel if I started refusing to treat patients (do business with them) if I disagreed with their ideology? "Sorry, you have a ______ hat on, you now have to drive 3 hours to treat your life threatening chronic heart condition because I'm the only person in the area that treats it." Sounds like a miserable world I want no part of. Plenty of individuals are eager to build that world though, which is unfortunate. There was a time when I was one of them. Fear creates monsters.
When they loose quality control
When they have bad customer care.
If you want to virtue signal and not support any companies that don't align with your values, who they promote, any political idealogy, etc, you may as well live off the land, off the grid, and make anything and everything you ever need yourself.
If you want to virtue signal and not support any companies that don't align with your values, who they promote, any political idealogy, etc, you may as well live off the land, off the grid, and make anything and everything you ever need yourself.
I mean that sounds great. But I don't want to be the next ruby ridge.
Here's an excerpt of what I sent in an email this morning.

I'm not big on cancel culture, but it's the vote consumers have. When you are in a field with competition from other companies, companies that better align with my views, I'm going to support that company......

..... or personally I will have purchased my last (brand) product, and will be pushing others in different directions as well.
Here's an excerpt of what I sent in an email this morning.

I'm not big on cancel culture, but it's the vote consumers have. When you are in a field with competition from other companies, companies that better align with my views, I'm going to support that company......

..... or personally I will have purchased my last (brand) product, and will be pushing others in different directions as well.
Thoughts on Rokslide being sponsored by a sponsor of muley freak? I’d like to hear your thoughts
There is a massive distance on the continuum between business as usual and “cancelling”. I think it is a good practice to vote with your pocketbook and that manufacturers deserve the feedback as to why you may or will not buy their products in the future.

Likewise, I believe that if a company’s moral compass is corrected based on market feedback, keeping them on the “no buy” list is counter-productive to their response to that feedback.

My personal opinion is that hunting companies glorifying convicted poachers rises to the level of deserving market push-back.
Thoughts on Rokslide being sponsored by a sponsor of muley freak? I’d like to hear your thoughts

A company deciding to spend their money on a site that I like seeing supported, doesn't bother me.

It's not me spending money on the company.

I don't have a problem if SO wants to continue to be a site sponsor.

Same with BO.
Now that is another question actually. Do people turn from said company permanently, or until the issue was resolved? I don't agree folks should leave a brand due to a issue, even when it's been resolved. Because in my opinion, now you're telling said business that you won't stick with them, or support them even when they fixed the issue, so why even bother to think of what consumers will purchase/support long term? If that makes sense.
For me, some issues can be resolved and some cannot.

There are few things that if a company came out in full support of, no matter how much back peddling they did, I would never support them again. Some things they can back peddle on.
A company deciding to spend their money on a site that I like seeing supported, doesn't bother me.

It's not me spending money on the company.

I don't have a problem if SO wants to continue to be a site sponsor.

Same with BO.
Ok? But you all are writing angry letters to Nightforce and want to boycott them and stop buying their products but you’re ok with Rokslide partnering with a company who did the same thing as Nightforce? Doesn’t make sense. Have you emailed MTNTOUGH? Don’t you think rokslide should boycott MTNTOUGH too, or do you all have selective fake outrage??
Ok? But you all are writing angry letters to Nightforce and want to boycott them and stop buying their products but you’re ok with Rokslide partnering with a company who did the same thing as Nightforce? Doesn’t make sense. Have you emailed MTNTOUGH? Don’t you think rokslide should boycott MTNTOUGH too, or do you all have selective fake outrage??

I'd have issues with RS sending MTNTough money, if they want to spend their advertising dollars here, I don't care.

That's like saying I won't shop at a grocery store because someone I don't like also goes there and gives them support.

Reckon I shouldn't donate to orgs too.
A company deciding to spend their money on a site that I like seeing supported, doesn't bother me.

It's not me spending money on the company.

I don't have a problem if SO wants to continue to be a site sponsor.

Same with BO.
Ok? But you all are writing angry letters to Nightforce and want to boycott them and stop buying their products but you’re ok with Rokslide receiving money from a company who did the same thing as Nightforce? Doesn’t make sense. Have you emailed MTNTOUGH? Don’t you think rokslide should boycott MTNTOUGH too? Where’s t?
I'd have issues with RS sending MTNTough money, if they want to spend their advertising dollars here, I don't care.

That's like saying I won't shop at a grocery store because someone I don't like also goes there and gives them support.

Reckon I shouldn't donate to orgs too.
Have you emailed MTNTOUGH? So you don’t see a problem with a hunting forum partnering with a sponsor of a poacher? Do you think if Nightforce was a sponsor on here they would be taking heat from the members, or do you think they would be fine with it?
Ok? But you all are writing angry letters to Nightforce and want to boycott them and stop buying their products but you’re ok with Rokslide partnering with a company who did the same thing as Nightforce? Doesn’t make sense. Have you emailed MTNTOUGH? Don’t you think rokslide should boycott MTNTOUGH too, or do you all have selective fake outrage??
You're ass backwards bud... thats why everyone has ignored your comments for the last 4 or 5 times.... MTNtough pays rokslide for advertisement. Not the other way around...
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Ok? But you all are writing angry letters to Nightforce and want to boycott them and stop buying their products but you’re ok with Rokslide receiving money from a company who did the same thing as Nightforce? Doesn’t make sense. Have you emailed MTNTOUGH? Don’t you think rokslide should boycott MTNTOUGH too? Where’s t?

Have you emailed MTNTOUGH? So you don’t see a problem with a hunting forum partnering with a sponsor of a poacher? Do you think if Nightforce was a sponsor on here they would be taking heat from the members, or do you think they would be fine with it?

No, I don't buy MTNPussy stuff.

So I don't care where they market.

I emailed a company to say I wouldn't continue to support them if they thought it was a good idea to put their marketing energy/$ into an individual I don't care to see supported.
I’ll keep asking. has anyone emailed or called mtntough? Or are they untouchable because they give rokslide money?

Fake outrage snowflakes
I generally dont reach out to places that I dont do business with to let them know why I dont do business with them...I dont give PETA a dime and I dont feel the need to call them to tell them why.

If we are going to dig as deep as you seem to think that people should when they dont support something...well I ******* hate the federal reserve, which produces our currency so now I cannot support any company because I cant support money. Problem solved.

You seem more outraged over this than anyone is at NF.