When do you start training?

les welch

Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
Central WI
Personally I believe in being fit year around. Yes I will tailor my regimen to a specific goal the last two months, but I work out a minimum of 5 days a week year around. What do you all do?
I also believe in being fit year round! I work out 5-6 days a week! I do cross fit 4 days a week, then 1 or 2 days I will just hit the weights and either go mt. Biking or hiking.
I usually take it easy after season for a month or so to recover, then start back at the gym 3 days a week.
Will move to 4 or 5 days a week in the summer and then taper back right before season to avoid injury and get in some more shooting time with my bow.
I am also a believer in staying in shape year round. I alternate running with other activities such as biking, hiking, plyometrics, etc.. I also lift weight three times a week. As hunting season gets closer...I like to throw a pack on with some weight and hike at high altitude. Sounds like you guys have it all figured out!
I 2nd BMB! I will rest when I gone.....6-7 days a week, 2-3 weights and 3-4 cardio....having had my right knee rebuilt twice and 10 surgeries on it, it is imperative for my low half to stay in shape year around...it is all low impact, no running, no court sports and LOTS of treadmill time with an incline and pack as season approaches...getting old sucks, but the alternative is not good either!
I try to do something everyday. Usually it's early AM workout then part of the lunchhour at the gym.

Although my a** has really been drag'in lately!
Year 'round for me, but wasn't always that way. I was one of the "get in shape a few months before season" kinda guys. 2009 season was a disappointment for me, 'cause I didn't get there by elk season. Vowed to not let that happen again, and lost 40 lbs and have maintained weight and increased cardio and strength since then. What i do throughout the year may vary (depending on weather), and I take breaks now and then, but generally try do some sort of workout 5 days a week. This week has been the exception, due to work and a bad cold that required some rest to get over, but working out has become a part of my lifestyle. I get grumpy if I'm away from it too long!
I also had another knee surgery on October 7th.....a week before CO rifle opener. Made it out, had a successful hunt, but it was painful! I used to run a lot, 7 min miles for 1/2 marathon pace. Just can't do it anymore with the knee surgeries. Picked up biking more last year, and now spin or bike at least 3 times a week in the winter and 4 in the summer!
I stay in shape year round. Training is non stop for me, I only take training breaks if I'm injured. I'm heading to hawaii in a week and I'll be doing my crossfit workouts on the beach while on vacation. Fitness is a lifestyle and a habit now.