What’s your CC ?

Huge Sig fan but carry Springfield XDM Elite 9mm in the pack and a Hellcat on the belt.

Does this count as concealed?

I kid, I kid…. Comped G45/x300u/SRO in winter G17/RMR chopped for 19 mags in summer. I had to professionally carry a full sized gun concealed for a few years and got comfortable enough with it I don’t mess with compacts.

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Glock 48 with shield 15 round mags. Nice and slim, but gives up virtually nothing to the 19 in terms of grip length, sight radius, and capacity.
Depends upon the day and attire to some degree. My GoTo is a Shadow Systems MR918. I also run a G48 (Shield mags are a must) for days where concealment is more difficult. Just because it has been mentioned by others I do have a Staccatto P, but honestly would not use it for CCW ... too big and I am not a fan of having a manual safety on my carry gun.
Dairy carry a Officer size 1911 and +2 on mags or a staccato C2 and +1 mag. Looking at the new staccato CS but not 100% sold over the C2.
I carry concealed all the time and I’ve got a few handguns for that purpose. I’m thinking of picking up a Glock 19X …..don’t need it, just want it…. Anyone have a 19x ? What’s your CC? I’m carrying a 9 mm Shield compact today.
Taurus 740 slim
Just picked up a Sig 365 macro with red dot and TLR-7 light to (probably) replace my S&W Shield. I hope it's not too heavy with all the add ons.

I always have an NAA 22 WMR in my front pocket along with a knife. Definitely last ditch, but I like having it as an option and its so small that I don't find reasons to not carry it.
G26, G19, G43x are primaries depending on day. G26 saved my hide once and seems my favorite.

The 19 is such a good shooter. Also you can get the regular 19 and run G17 mags. I do this with G26 for back up mag.