Whats your best tip for spot and stalk Pronghorn?

If I had one tip for spot and stalk antelope it would be to attempt lots & lots & lots & Lots of stalks! :)
It was on stalk 18 that I killed my first speedgoat.... know that you will probably have several attempts. Dont rush it!!!

Good knee pads and leather gloves make a great combo.
I couldn't begin to tell you how many I blew last year before I punched one.Just gotta stick with it....
A rifle would help alot too...lol
I would apply for a unit that has the topo that would allow you to make several stalks..that would be tip 1. Other than that the rest has been covered lol. I wanted to spot and stalk one with my bow but the unit I hunted didn't have the topo. I considered taking my boots off and crawling behing them for cover. In the end I used a ground blind.
Don't bother unless you see the setup. Otherwise, move to the next herd. Why blow 2 hours on a likely futile spot and stalk?

If it don't look good, find one that does.
I hunted 19 days last year in Idaho, 31 stalks in all... Missed a few, messed up on a few, No goat, but I learned A LOT! Go slow and then go even slower... Low light is when I had my best opportunity, stalking to within 20 yards and flat out missed...
Their night vision is awful even compared to me before cataract surgery. So, yes, can get by with a lot more in the dark.
Patience is vital when sneaking on speed goats. They have an uncanny ability to pick up on the slightest movement. My biggest buck to date was one of thos situations when you would normally say, "Not a chance in hell will I be able to get within bow range of that buck!" I invited the challenge and tried anyway! I love to challenge myself with these types of situations!

Here is the scenerio and what I had going against me; the buck I wanted badly was in wide open terrain with no concealment to hide me other than ankle to calf high grass, gentle rolling plains, he was already skittish for who knows why, it was over 80 degrees, cactus everywhere, mosquitos were (VERY) active, no breeze, and he was with 13 other bucks! Who in the right mind would attempt that stalk? ME! That's who!!!

Over 8 hours later I stood over top of that buck admiring everything that you want a B&C buck to have! I felt very rewarded and successful! The next 2 weeks were spent trying not to itch mosquito bites and picking cactus from my body! But that didn't much matter anymore!


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