What's the most valuable thing you have found hunting?

Peace. Clarity. Friends.

Some of the best people I know I have met hunting.

Some of the worst too…which is valuable in its own accord. Good to have those folks identified. Activities like hunting reveal ethics and moral qualities astonishingly well. Identifying those folks may be more valuable than the peace and clarity, because ironically enough once you identify toxicity and remove it, peace and clarity follow… funny how that works.

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Mylar balloons, without fail, almost every time I’m in the mountains. It’s bizarre. Rather than toss them I should start making freeze dried meals, could start a new business lol. Found a Leatherman once, but didn’t have the heart to take it, my BIL had no issues though so he quickly became the proud new owner 🤦🏻‍♂️
I wish someone would post that they found a fanny pack with a hand made whale bone knife in it, a Summit tree stand and a MT050 all weather jacket lying on top by the edge of the road at Green River lake WMA in Kentucky. I know you drove a Blue ford truck and were fast as hell. If i could have covered that 75 yards before you were able to stop and load that stuff up in your truck bed, this would have had a different outcome than it did at the time!
Found this guy dead, tangled up in a thicket , long time ago. Got his horns tangled up in a fence , during rut , and pulled several hundred yards of fence and steel post down the hill till he got tangled up and twisted so tight he died . I hiked back to truck to get some wire cutters . Took a long time to get him cut loose . Packed out the horns and then eventually got another cape and had him mounted .

Game wardens binos, that i returned. Found them in the middle of a road, drove over top of them before I realized it was a bino case and turned around once I realized what they were. Threw them in the back seat and kind of forgot about them. Was coming out after hunting and we were BSing (i know him well, good guy) and he asked me if I had seen his binos, I started smiling and he was all sorts of excited to get those back. I had planned to turn them over since he patrolled that area and lived out there as well anyway but it was funnier that they were his.

I have donated plenty to the mountains/woods... pack came open on a trail and didn't look back until it was fairly empty... gps that I sat on a sign.. pretty sure that was stolen as when I went back maybe an hour later once I realized it was gone and asked the 2 guys (the only 2 in the area) and they said they didn't see them.

And lost a $200 pair of okley sunglasses shed hunting

Grunt calls.

Every damn pair of gloves I have owned.. and im sure plenty of other stuff I didnt realize or can't think of.