What's the most valuable thing you have found hunting?

Reading through the post about most valuable thing you have lost......

On the flip side

The most valuable thing I have found was a leica rangefinder last year. I was in the middle of nowhere....no hunters to be seen.....and not on a trail......I went to sit down on a boulder and a rangefinder was just sitting there. Batteries were low but still functioning.
You weren’t by chance in the cascades in WA were you…? One of my buddies sat down on a boulder for a rest and left behind a leica RF and his wife’s kindle e-reader two seasons ago. Day one of the hunt too
Remington 870. Whoever it belong to wasn't aware of the three round max law. We drove around to a few other camp sites asking if anyone recently lost anything. Not finding the owner, it went in the truck and to this day in the gun safe. I also found a black lab out by itself. he got right in the truck. I eventually found the owner after about a hour of searching. Much more valuable than the 870.
Reminton 700 30-06. The guy apparently rested it against the tire of the truck. They had lunch, loaded up and left. The rifle fell off the tire and away they went. Luckily, it didn't get run over by the truck and I was able to catch up to the crew down the road about 10 miles.
Crushing down the beach, headed out for a 3 day duck hunt. I spied some beach trash that was blue in the high tide Surfline. We went and dug it up and it was an inflated alpaca raft full of gravel. It had a dry bag clipped onto it and a small dry in it containing a cell phone. I was able to plug the phone in and call the last number that was from out of state.
Ends up being the guys sister, she hadn’t heard from him either. He was fine but had dumped his boat in a class 4-5 river about 50 miles away and had lost it. He drove down in a few weeks and picked up his boat, cell phone, blue tooth speaker and some clothes.
I believe he brought me 2 bottles of wine.
I found a large 10k gold high school class ring on a small bench next to a water faucet at a remote unlighted, primitive campground in southern Indiana. I went around and asked the other campers if they lost any gold jewelry and they all looked at me like I was a fool.

I eventually called the high school office in Kentucky on the ring and the principal knew the graduate who misplaced his senior ring on a camping trip. I mailed the ring to the principal and never heard another word. Hopefully, the owner got their gold class ring back.

Happy hunting, TheGrayRider a/k/a Tom.
S & W 9mm. Fully loaded and safety off on a stump about 100 yds from camping area. I wonder if someone was going to suicide themselves then just put gun down and walked off? The bullet in chamber had tiny bit of rust. Thinking it had only been there a couple weeks. Weird
Maybe not as valuable as peace or my mind...
I was a couple hours back in a cave mucking around a side passage under some break down and found an unopened can of beer (cheep swill).
I instantly claimed founding membership in the "Clan of the Cave Beer".
Anyone else?
It was probably kept pretty cold. I always will drink a nice river beer. The best one I found was a Coors light that floated to me while fishing on the Big Wood in Sun Valley. It was fun to chug in front of some black tie party happening in the yard of a mansion across from where I was fishing. I usually drink lake beers too, but occasionally they will have some mold/algae to wipe off first.
You weren’t by chance in the cascades in WA were you…? One of my buddies sat down on a boulder for a rest and left behind a leica RF and his wife’s kindle e-reader two seasons ago. Day one of the hunt too
No I was not. But it would be something to reconnect the rangefinder to the owner from a post on rs.
Not valuable at face value, but I found a full set of keys. Toyota key fob, house keys, bunch of other keys looked like some hitch pin lock keys. Couple miles away from any roads and looked to have been out there a year, somebody would've paid a lot of money to get those back when he got to the trailhead that night.
S & W 9mm. Fully loaded and safety off on a stump about 100 yds from camping area. I wonder if someone was going to suicide themselves then just put gun down and walked off? The bullet in chamber had tiny bit of rust. Thinking it had only been there a couple weeks. Weird
Someone was probably taking a dump and sat their pistol on the stump if I had to guess.
I’ve never really found anything valuable while hunting.

I run a lot on the roads around my home and I bet I’ve picked up a few thousand $ worth of tools/sockets over the years. I find a socket or a wrench or a hammer almost every time I go for a run. I found a Ryobi impact driver once. That’s the biggest item I’ve picked up.
I've found some decoys here and there, hunting big water things break loose and blow. I've found some knives, none were fantastic, but most I could clean up and sharpen, I've found chairs, gloves, end caps for scopes, sleeves, whole T-shirts and underwear (just use leaves people, you don't mess up good stuff), (Oh wait, this is a valuable find, my old mind forgot this is a thread on valuables not just junk)!

Oh well, nothing that valuable in most folks, but I have found time with a dad and uncle, time in His presence, and I've seen a lot of things I wouldn't have seen nor experienced just watching it on TV on some Will Primos or Youtube wanna be channel. Hmm, I might need to go bring up some Bill Dance Bloopers, that may bring up some memories from some of my stupid crap.

Memories, that's my valuables!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carry On.