Whats in your first aid kit?

I use 3 Marsupial bags to organize my kit. I can break it down into the “family trip” down to the minimal “bleeds and basics” set up with just the essentials. I do have a tendency to go overboard having been a Corpsman in a former life but I’d rather be safe than not. The most important part of any of this is actually knowing how to use what you bring. B3E58031-5B20-443E-AF27-5AA6F620F0C1.jpeg9E41D5A7-640B-4886-9A53-238369F06620.jpeg02B91CEB-D2A9-490F-9A39-B4BFBEABD6C5.jpeg
I don't have a "kit", really.
CAT TQ, Z fold combat gauze for junctional wounds, chest seal, 3 1/4" 14ga needle are in an outside pocket for rapid access.
Leuko tape wrapped around a pill bottle with various NSAIDS and benadryl. Gorilla tape wrapped around my lighter. Inreach.

I don't see a reason to pack gauze, wraps, or bandages. I have game bags.
No splints, the woods are full of sticks.
I've said this on another post, but aside from the minor cuts and scrapes you can mend with tape, it's most vital to have the ability to keep yourself or partner alive until you can get help. Ingenuity and knowledge will often keep you alive longer than some wizbang gadgets or a kit full of stuff you don't know how to use.
I use 3 Marsupial bags to organize my kit. I can break it down into the “family trip” down to the minimal “bleeds and basics” set up with just the essentials. I do have a tendency to go overboard having been a Corpsman in a former life but I’d rather be safe than not. The most important part of any of this is actually knowing how to use what you bring. View attachment 560412View attachment 560411View attachment 560413
Do you happen to know which sizes of marsupial bags these are? I'm about to get a bino harness from them and might grab a couple of these for a trauma kit and more general first aid kit. I like the idea of the orange color for my first aid gear
Do you happen to know which sizes of marsupial bags these are? I'm about to get a bino harness from them and might grab a couple of these for a trauma kit and more general first aid kit. I like the idea of the orange color for my first aid gear
Small and medium stretch. The main pouch is a large mesh.
May not be in your first aid kit but Cut Proof gloves are a great injury prevention tool...ask me how I know.


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I have first aid kits for me and first aid kits for my hunting dogs that go depending on the season. I'll go through them later this summer, reorganize and update everything. I have a hard copy listing of addresses and phone numbers of local hospitals and vets I carry with me in my truck and I also carry my dogs health certificate and medical records with me during bird season. I preprogram address information into my GPS if I am in a new area so I don't waste time trying to find the emergency room or vet.

If I am bird hunting an area for weeks at a time, I make time to stop in with a local vet and give them my dogs current paper work in advance so they can be input it into their system...answer questions etc., Saves a bit of time and anxiety in the event of an emergency...Something I learned first hand.
I have two.
One in a pelican box I keep in the truck. That has many different kinds of bandages , wound cleaning supplies and my meds I take daily in there as well as other meds that I may need. I keep meds in there I cant take but others may need them. I also resupply my small aid kit in my pack. This box could be bigger.
My second is a kit I carry in my pack. Its a get back to the truck kind of kit. A few bandages , some meds I might need during the day. It also has a few survival type items like fire starting geared more for if I had to
spend the night in the woods.
Band aids , compression tape , burn onintment , steptic blood stop
advil , eye ontmient and wash

eye Injuries ( sun burn , sand , ect) will ruin your day , minor burns and cuts come next
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Just a short story. About a month ago I was on a multi day snowshoe trip with a buddy in some very remote backcountry.

On day 3 of the trip, my buddy’s dog went off the trail chasing a squirrel (imagine that!). He came back limping, figuring he banged into a downed tree. My buddy and his dog were ahead of me and I noticed blood in the snow.

His dog had a large gash on the inside of its’ rear thigh and was bleeding pretty badly. We were 20+ miles from the nearest trailhead; not a good situation to say the least.

I broke out my first aid kit and got some clotting gauze out and packed the wound. I then took some vet wrap and carefully (and rather firmly) wrapped everything up. My buddy was obviously very nervous about his dog and we decided that the best course was to snowshoe the rest of the way out so he could get her to the vet.

He was hiking fast and I fell behind, but watched carefully for additional bleeding. Other than a few stray drops here and there, there was none.

He made it to the trailhead about 30 minutes before me and sent me a inReach message he was heading for the vet.

They stitched her up (took quite a few stitches) and she’s fine.

My point is it could have easily been one of us falling off crossing blowdown and take a broken stob in the leg.

Having something to stop (or at least slow) a bleed I think is a no brainer for anyone traveling in the backcountry.

Sorry that story wasn’t that short :)
Following...building one myself and I was considering a medium sized Kuiu zip dry bag, but curious what others are using for bags and the size as well.

So far my kit has band aids, sutures, gauze, tegaderm adhesive dressings, tape, general medications, triple abx ointment, quick clot powder/dressings....that's all that comes to mind at the moment. Will add a tourniquet, water purification tablets, and some other items.
These are what I use https://ultralitesacks.com/products/zippered-cube-ditty-bags